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Nonlinear geometric effects in mechanical bistable morphing structures

Bistable structures, exemplified
by the Venus flytrap and slap bracelets, can switch between different
functional shapes upon actuation, and have important applications in
mechanical/electro-mechanical devices ranging from bio-inspired robots to
deployable aeroplane wings. Despite numerous efforts in modeling such large
deformation of shell structures, the roles of mechanical and nonlinear geometric
effects on bistability remains elusive. Closely related, emerging challenges
include modeling the spontaneous curving and buckling of thin objects such as

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Computational models for mechanics of morphogenesis

In the developing embryo, tissues differentiate, deform, and move in an
orchestrated manner to generate various biological shapes driven by the complex
interplay between genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. Mechanics
plays a key role in regulating and controlling morphogenesis, and quantitative
models help us understand how various mechanical forces combine to shape the
embryo. Models allow for the quantitative, unbiased testing of physical
mechanisms, and when used appropriately, can motivate new
experimentaldirections. This knowledge benefits biomedical researchers who aim
to prevent and treat congenital malformations, as well as engineers working to


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