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Journal Club for January 2021: 3D Printing of Soft Materials

3D Printing of Soft Materials

Qi (Kevin) Ge

Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering

Sourthern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China


1. Introduction

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Research Assistant Professor and Postdoc Positions at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) /南方科技大学葛锜团队招聘研究助理教授/博士后

Our group at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen China is looking for Research Assistant Professors and Postdocs with backgrounds of material science, mechanics, mechanical engineering or related fields.

Our rearch mainly fouces on  4D printing, functional 3D printing, mechanics of soft materials, soft robotics, flexible electronics.

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Submission Invitation to Special Issue of Polymers

The special issue “Design and Manufacturing of Shape Memory Polymers and Active Structures” of Polymers is now inviting submission. If you have any suitable manuscript, please consider this special issue. Feel free to contact me through, if you have any questions. Thank you all for your support!



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Fast-Response, Stiffness-Tunable Soft Actuator by Hybrid Multimaterial 3D Printing


Fast‐Response, Stiffness‐Tunable Soft Actuator by Hybrid Multimaterial 3D Printing

Yuan-Fang Zhang, Ningbin Zhang, Hardik Hingorani, Ningyuan Ding, Dong Wang, Chao Yuan, Biao Zhang, Guoying Gu,* and Qi Ge*

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Two postdoc positions at Singapore University of Technology and Design

Our group has postdoctoral position openings supported by Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)-Digital Manufacturing and Design (DManD) Centre for the projects of design and fabrication of soft robotics, and nano/micro fabrication.

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one postdoctoral position at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)

Our group has one postdoctoral position opening supported by Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)-Digital Manufacturing and Design Centre (DManD) for a project involving multimaterial stereolithography for 3D/4D printing.

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Postdoc position in nonlinear multiscale simulation and optimization @ SUTD Singapore

Job Description:

We are looking for a postdoctoral research fellow who has experience with developing and implementing computational algorithms for simulation and optimization in structural mechanics.

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Post Doctoral Fellow (Multi-Scale Modeling of Additive Manufacturing) Singapore University of Technology and Design

High quality metal and polymer additive manufacturing (AM) requires a good knowledge of how the material and process parameters will have an impact on the microstructure of the material and how this microstructure in turn influences the mechanical property of the fabricated structure.

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Postdoc Position available at Singapore University of Technology and Design

Postdoctoral Positions:

Our group has one postdoctoral position opening supported by Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)-Digital Manufacturing and Design (DManD) Centre for a projects of 3D printing with active materials.

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Ph.D. Opportunity at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) on Functional 3D Printing

Prof. Ge’s Advanced Manufacturing and Design Laboratory ( is recruiting PhD students. The are immediately available in the general areas of functional advanced manufacturing. The research topics can vary based on the student’s background from solid mechanics for soft active materials, UV curable functional polymer development for 3D printing, and development of high resolution multifunctional 3D Printing system.

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computational Simulation and Optimization of Textiles

We are looking for a postdoctoral research fellow who has experience with developing and implementing computational algorithms for simulation and optimization in structural mechanics.
He or she will be involved in an interdisciplinary project for the development of a computational framework for the design of functional, smart, performance textiles. The objective is to develop and implement novel computational algorithms for a multi-scale and multi-physics simulation of functional textiles and fabrics, which will be at the core of a multifunctional design optimization framework. The position requires a deep understanding of structural mechanics concepts, as well as experience in algorithm development for computational simulation and optimization.

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Computational Geometry for Textile Design & Manufacturing

We are looking for a postdoctoral research fellow who has experience with developing and implementing computational algorithms for geometry processing.
He or she will be involved in the interdisciplinary development of an enhanced computational design, optimization, and fabrication framework for functional textiles. The objective is to develop and implement novel computational algorithms for the physical realization of complex three dimensional (3D) technical textile designs using state-of-the-art CNC knitting technology.
The position requires expertise in computational geometry and software development. The candidate must be passionate about interdisciplinary, cutting-edge research and have good communicative skills.

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Research Assistant in Computational Mechanics

We are looking for a research assistant who is interested in developing and implementing computational algorithms for simulation and optimization in structural mechanics applications.
Our current research lies broadly in the field of computational mechanics and includes the development and implementation of novel computational methods for the discretization of ordinary and partial differential equations arising in structural and continuum mechanics (such as finite element methods and isogeometric analysis), multi-disciplinary design, shape and topology optimization methods, as well as application of those methods in digital design and additive manufacturing, e.g. 3D/4D printing, lattice structures, metamaterials, composites or textiles, and integration into computer-aided design-to-manufacturing approaches.

KevinGE's picture

One postdoc position at Singapore University of Technology and Design

Our group has one postdoctoral position openings supported by Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD)-Digital Manufacturing and Design(DManD) Centre for the projects of multimaterial stereolithography for 3D/4D printing.

We are seeking self-motivated postdoctoral researchers with a Ph.D. degree on mechanical engineering, mechatronics, electronic engineering and the related fields.

KevinGE's picture

One postdoc position at Singapore University of Technology and Design

Our group has one postdoctoral position opening supported by Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)-Digital Manufacturing and Design (DManD) Centre for the projects of design and fabrication of fiber reinforced composites, and nano/micro fabrication.
We are seeking self-motivated postdoctoral researchers with a strong background on solid mechanics and FEA simulation, and experience in composite fabrication, material preparation and characterization.

KevinGE's picture

One Joint Ph.D. position and one postdoctoral position available at Singapore University of Technology and Design

We are looking for one Ph.D student and one postdoctoral research for a project which is funded by funded by Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and focuses on synthesizing, characterizing, modeling, and simulating the thermo-mechanical behavior of polymers with covalent adaptable networks (CANs), e.g. vitrimers.


KevinGE's picture

Two postdoc positions at Singapore University of Technology and Design

Our group has postdoctoral position openings supported by Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)-Digital Manufacturing and Design (DManD) Centre for the projects of design and fabrication of soft robotics, and nano/micro fabrication.

We are seeking self-motivated postdoctoral researchers with a strong background on solid mechanics and FEA simulation, and hands-on experience in advanced manufacturing, 3D/4D printing, material preparation and characterization.

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How to use mohr-coulomb criterion to simulate the indentation of BMGs in ABAQUS?

I encounter a big challenge now.

I wanna use mohr-coulomb criterion to simulate the indentation of BMGs in ABAQUS.However, there are many parameters confusing me.

We know the  mohr-coulomb can be written as:


where τc is the shear stress on the slip plane at yielding, k0 and α are constans and σn is the stress component in the direciton normal to the slip plane.

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