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Deformable Bodies and Their Material Behavior by HW Haslach and RW Armstrong

Deformable Bodies and Their Material Behavior by HW Haslach and RW Armstrong is a great reference book for solid mechanics. This text discusses a wide variety of materials, the relationships between applied stresses, displacements and material properties, the mathematical approximations to predict mechanical behaviors, and the practical uses for the theory. The text helps to understand how the theory can be applied to practical problems. The text has many worked examples to common problems.

HW 15

I find the book , An Introduction to the mechanics of solids , is very helpful to me.

 It is written by Stephen H. Crandall and Thomas Lardner .

Foundations of Solid Mechanics by Y. C. Fung

Here are the chapter names:

1) Prototypes of the theory of elasticity and viscoelasticity

2) Tensor analysis

3) Stress tensor

4) Analysis of strain

5) Conservation Laws

6) Elastic and plastic behavior of materials

7) Linear elasticity

8) Solutions of problems in elasticity by potentials

9) Two-dimensional problems in elasticity

10) Variational Calculus, energy theorems, saint-venant's principle

11) Hamilton's principle, wave propagation, applications of generalized coordinates 

Free vector calc and mechanics text!


John H. Heinbockel


Very clear treatment on tensors and vector calculus, also free online!


Stress and Deformation: A handbook on tensors in geology by Gerard Oertel

Despite the title, the book covers very little specifically on geology.  It works through stress, strain, and other tensor quantities, but assumes you know little about the math.  Fully worked problems make up the bulk of the book following a few introcutory chapters.  I've found it a nice review of the math, but haven't fully explored the solution sections.  I got the book from Cabot Science Library here at Harvard. I wouldn't recommend buying it on amazon it's not worth the $72, but it is a nice addition to Timoshenko's theory of elasticity.

Mechanics of Materials by R.C. Hibbeler

  • reviews 
  • Content (by chapter):
    • Stress
    • Strain
    • Mechanical Properties of Materials
    • Axial Load
    • Torsion
    • Bending
    • Transverse Shear
    • Combined  Loadings
    • Stress Transformation
    • Strain Transformation
    • Design of Beams and Shafts
    • Deflections of Beams and Shafts
    • Buckling of Columns
    • Energy Methods
Vlado A. Lubarda's picture

Recent book "Mechanics of Solids and Materials" by Asaro & Lubarda

Mechanics of Solids and Materials intends to provide a modern and integrated treatment of the foundations of solid mechanics as applied to the mathematical description of material behavior. The book blends both innovative (e.g., large strain, strain rate, temperature, time-dependent deformation and localized plastic deformation in crystalline solids, and deformation of biological networks) and traditional topics (e.g., elastic theory of torsion, elastic beam and plate theories, and contact mechanics) in a coherent theoretical framework. This, and the extensive use of transform methods to generate solutions, makes the book of interest to structural, mechanical, and aerospace engineers.

Cai Wei's picture

New Book: Computer Simulations of Dislocations, by Vasily V. Bulatov and Wei Cai

Companion web site ISBN:0-19-852614-8, Hard cover, 304 pages, Nov. 2006, US $74.50.

This book presents a broad collection of models and computational methods - from atomistic to continuum - applied to crystal dislocations. Its purpose is to help students and researchers in computational materials sciences to acquire practical knowledge of relevant simulation methods. Because their behavior spans multiple length and time scales, crystal dislocations present a common ground for an in-depth discussion of a variety of computational approaches, including their relative strengths, weaknesses and inter-connections. The details of the covered methods are presented in the form of "numerical recipes" and illustrated by case studies. A suite of simulation codes and data files is made available on the book's website to help the reader "to learn-by-doing" through solving the exercise problems offered in the book. This book is part of an Oxford Series on Materials Modelling.

jqu's picture

New Book: Fundamentals of Micromechanics of Solids, by Jianmin Qu and Mohammed Cherkaoui

Fundamentals of Micromechanics of Solids, Jianmin Qu, Mohammed Cherkaoui
ISBN: 0-471-46451-1, Hardcover, 400 pages, August 2006, US $120.00



  • 1.1 Background and Motivation
  • 1.2 Objectives
  • 1.3 Organization of Book
  • 1.4 Notation Conventions
  • References


Roberto Ballarini's picture

Are notes and textbooks a higher priority than journal clubs?

I registered for iMechanica a few days ago, and found many postings instructive. Here is my first blog entry.

The topics being studied today by mechanicians are very difficult (what I often call "dirty problems"). In fact, often the mechanical theories (actually coupled mechanics, biology, chemistry) required to gain improved understanding are still in their infancy. Mechanicians that have entered fields such as mechanics of biological structures have gotten up to speed by paying the price (hopefully an enjoyable time on a learning curve) of reading large numbers of papers and discipline-based books. Many of these papers are cryptic and, while they may be of high scientific quality, they do not have significant pedagogical value to those entering the field (graduate students for example).


Though not that original, I want to recommend Timoshenko. Since many people have mentioned it already, I will discuss a Brief on Tensor Analysis by James Simmonds. Though not always useful, I sometimes use it to remember tensor rules that I have forgotten. The book is divided into chapters as follows:


I: Vectors and Tensors

II: General Bases and Tensor Notation

III: Newton's Law and Tensor Calculus

IV: Gradient, Del Operator, Covariant Differentiation, Divergence Theorem

Again, sometime it is not that useful and you spend your time trying to read it while not learning much, but it does come in handy sometimes. You can see the amazon link:


Xuanhe Zhao's picture

Elasticity: Theory, Applications, and Numerics by Martin H. Sadd

I would like to recommend "Elasticity: Theory, Applications, and Numerics" by Prof. Martin H. Sadd as a reference for ES240. The book, as its name indicated, is mainly focused on elasticity theory and its applications, but also discusses numerical methods such as finite element method and boundary element method.

Prof. Martin H. Sadd, organized the book into two parts: I. foundations, and II Advanced topics. In part I, the book clearly outlines the basic equations of elasticity, i.e. strain/displacement relation, Hooke's law, and equilibrium equation. The other context of part I is devoted to the formulation and solution of two-dimensional problems. This structure matches the progress of our class very well.

The second part of the book begins with the discussion of anisotropic elasticity, thermo-elasticity, and micromechanics. These topics are complementary to the notes of ES240, and helpful in solving homework problems. In its last chapter, the book introduced finite element method and boundary element method.

Question 16

Book Title: Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue (Second Edition, Third Edition released earlier this year)

Author: Norman E. Dowling Review Link

The book starts with a general overview and introduction to the mechanics of materials, but later emphasizes deformation, fracture and fatigue of materials. The following is a list of the chapters in the second edition:

(1) Introduction- Discusses types of material failure, design and materials selection, technological challenges, and the economic importance of fracture.

“An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids” by S. H. Crandall, N.C. Dahl, and T. J. Lardner

“An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids” by S. H. Crandall, N.C. Dahl, and T. J. Lardner

As the title explains, this book shows very basics of the solid mechanics. The book has a good coverage of the concepts of primary elements of mechanics, the three equations, some environmental effect, and examples of torsion, bending, and buckling. This book elaborately explains/proofs several important equations, whose procedures tend to be skipped in many courses due to time limitation. Various case studies/problems accompanied with suitable figures have always helped me to get better senses. It is also easy to find what I am looking for in the book with neatly sorted tables and index. And most importantly, I like this book since the book discusses engineering applications and the limitations of these models.

The materials given in ES240 exceed the range that this book can cover, but this book still is a good resource to go back to when I forget the basics since my sophomore year when I used as our textbook for the materials and structures.

Adrian Podpirka's picture

Textbook Recommendation

So besides using Timoshenko (which is basically the bible of solid mechanics), I have been using Slaughter's The Linearized Theory of Elasticity which I came across in the Gordon McKay Library.

Unlike some of the other textbooks, there is a big focus put on the theory and the idea behind the examples while still having many worked out problems. The first few chapters give a big refresher course on mathematics and lay the groundwork for what is to be taught later on.

I came across this book in particular for the in depth coverage of Airy Stress Functions.

The book is broken into 11 chapters:

Review of Mechanics of Materials
Mathematical Preliminaries
Forces and Stress
Constitutive Equations
Linearized Elasticity Problems
2D Problems
Torsion of Noncircular Cylinders
3D Problems
Variational Methods
Complex Variable Methods

Recommend books

If you prefer to learn tensors in solid mechanics, Nye's book is recommended.
The author covers most of the physical properties in various crystal structures. Some handy tables are included in the book. However, he uses ONLY tensors to derive the properties. If you prefer to write down equations one by one, this would not be a suitable book to start.
Timoshenko's book is also recommended too. As a beginner, this book explains not only the problem, also the meaning behind it. It clearly describes the fundamental questions.
Some books

Megan McCain's picture

Theory of Elasticity by Timoshenko and Goodier

Although I know it is not very original, I am recommending Timoshenko's Theory of Elasticity textbook. I find this book useful because it solves many classical solid mechanics problems without assuming the reader has a strong background in the subject (like me). When I am having difficulty with a homework problem, I turn to the index and it usually directs me to a section of the book directly related to the problem, or sometimes even the solution itself. Many parts of the book complement the course, such as the chapters "Plane Stress and Plane Strain" and "Analysis of Stress and Strain in 3 Dimensions."

The book starts with basic definitions and derivations of stress and strain, then applies these equations to solve problems in different coordinate systems. It also includes chapters on more specific topics, like torsion and thermal stress.

Textbook Recommendation

It's a bit hard to recommend a text, when I have yet to find one that I really love. Currently I am working from Advanced Strength and Applied Elasticity by A.C. Ugural & S.K. Fenster. It contains all of the relevant information, though I find the explanations of the concepts a bit slim. So far is has covered all of topics we covered in class. The first four chapters seem the most relevent. These are titled Analysis of Stress; Strain and Stress-Strain Relations; Two-Dimensional Problems in Elasticity; and Failure Criteria. The rest of the text deals with more specific topics (torsion, bending, plastic behavior, etc.).

Here is a link to the Amazon page, where the book gets mediocore reviews.


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