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Me, Myself, and Solid Mechanics, Or, ES 240 Problem 6 by Stephen Steiner


This is a blog entry about my background as it pertains to solid mechanics, written in effort to achieve maximum credit for Problem 6 on the ES 240 assignment due Friday, October 5, 2007.

Prior Courses in Solid Mechanics

My prior experience in solid mechanics is limited to half a semester of graduate "Mechanics of Materials" which I took as a listener at MIT in Spring 2005.  As such, much of the material covered in this subject is new to me.

Major History

ES 240 PS2 #6

- I took one undergraduate classical Solid Mechanics course.

- Mechanical Engineering undergraduate degree (Bucknell University).

-Strengths - most of the concepts aren't new since they were introduced in undergrad solids. I've never used index notation before and it's been a long time since I took multivariable calc and diff eq. so my math is a little iffy.

-Microrobotics Lab (Woodgroup)

-Autonomous biomimetic microrobotics

Nanshu Lu's picture

ES 240 (Fall 2007) Office hour change

To all students in ES 240 this semester,

Due to popular demand my office hour is moved from Tuesday to Thursday 4~5pm starting from this week. The location is changed to Rm. 123, Maxwell Dworkin (33 Oxford Street).



Alex Epstein's picture

Alex Epstein's introductory entry for ES 240

Prior courses in solid mechanics: "Mechanics of Solids and Structures" was FBD's and strength of materials, and "Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering" focused more on building and aerospace structures.  But no prior solid mechanics course, per se.

Undergraduate major: Engineering, concentration in Materials Science

Henry Tan's picture

New Grading System

The assessment includes:

  • Final exam (70%)
  • Lab (10%)
  • Two take-home assignments (each worth 5%, total 10%)
  • Lecture-notes (10%)

Assessment results will be not be posted online. Online activities are for discussions only, no grading based on that. The first course-assignment will be given in 19/10, Friday.

Nanshu Lu's picture

ES 240 (Fall 2007) Homework 1-5

This problem set is due on Friday, Sep. 28, 2007 in class.

Nanshu Lu's picture

ES 240 (Fall 2007) Lecture Notes - Elements of Elasticity

The lecture notes are prepared by Prof. Joost Vlassak based on a set of course notes put together by Prof. Suo when he taught ES 240 in 2006, as well as on course notes developed by Prof. Vlassak for ES 246.

Please see attached. 

vh's picture

Presentation Tips

I am attaching a pdf of "How to give successful oral and poster presentations" by J.W. Niemantsverdriet of the Eindhoven University of Technology which I had found on the internet some years ago. It has some very useful tips.

V. Hegadekatte

please help

 I am dong project on strain energy release rate of four point bending  load can anyone suggest me how to calculate strain energy release rate using ansys

Search for Notes in Theory of Plasticity & Experimental Stress Analysis

Hello! I am a new comer in this forum. I am a Mechanical Engineer. Now I am Looking for my M.Sc. in applied Mechanics & Design. My two subjects in this semester are THEORY OF PLASTCITY & EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS. Please anyone of you having notes or books in soft form please post for me. Thanks

Interaction Integral Method for bimaterial interface

I am Dhaneshwar Mishra, currently a PhD student at Ajou University, South Korea. I am working in the area of Bimaterial Fracture. Currently i am trying to calculate Stress Intensity factor of cracked bimaterial plate. I wanted to use Interaction Integral Method to seperate Complex stress intensity factor.

Will some one please through light on use of interaction Integral Method used for cracked bimaterial interfaces.

Hope to receive early suggestions.


Thank you.


With regards

Dhaneshwar Mishra

The efficiency of turbines

Hello students (and also others) at iMechanica,

Last weekend, while channel browsing on TV, I happened to notice a documentary on the Hoover dam (in the US). It showed a number of jets of water, huge ones, forcefully springing forth out of the rock faces just downstream of the dam. These were the water jets coming off the electricity generation plant of the dam, *after* their job of generating electricity was already over.

Ying Li's picture

The US-China NSF Workshop and Summer Institute of Bio- and Nano-Mechanics and Applications (UCWSI2007)

The US-China NSF Workshop and Summer Institute of
Bio- and Nano-Mechanics and Applications (UCWSI2007)
August 31 -- September 4, 2007
Beijing, China

Hung Nguyen Huu's picture


Can you help me

Iam studying ansys

for model facture mechanic

MichelleLOyen's picture

Graduate students and publishing

I just stumbled on this very interesting discussion on why science graduate students should publish, regardless of their later career intentions.  I agree with the author on most points, but believe it really comes down to two things: (1) if you aren't going to communicate your results (both good and bad!) then you might as well have not bothered to do the work, and (2) becoming a good writer is a skill that every technical person will need in any career.

hmdthr's picture

Theoretical Notes (ALE)

 I need some detailed informations about topics below:
 Single material ALE
 -Advection schemes
 -Mesh smoothing algorithms
 Multi-material ALE
 -Volume fraction weighted stress
 -Interface reconstruction
 -Moving mesh techniques
 -Constraint based method
 -Penalty based method
Can anybody help me?

Thanks alot


FEMLAB-COMSOL Multiphysics


I am a PhD student and I have just started to work on FEMLAB and was just wondering if someone could help me with FEMLAB. I am using at the moment the PDE modes-Weak forms to solve flow over topography using the lubrication equation. I have implemented the lubrication equations into the subsomain settings and set the boundary conditions  but i do get wrong results. Could you please advice where i might have done wrong.

Any suggestions will be really appreciated.

Many thanks



bananth's picture

User subroutines in ABAQUS

Hello all,

I am new to this. I got a couple of good inputs from this site, so I thot I would join too. I am a PhD student in Clemson univeristy. I am using ABAQUS for my research. Let me get to the question quickly. There are two variables that you can define in a user subroutine called TOL and HTOL. What are these and how can I know more details about this. Any inputs will be appreciated.





Henry Tan's picture

Forces and Newton's laws of motions

Newton's laws of motion

An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Henry Tan's picture

MACE-11010 Engineering Mechanics

You are always welcome to visit my office (B14/Pariser), call (0161 306 8970), or email (

Grading System

Gopinath Venkatesan's picture

Interesting Material: d3o

I came across this web page recently, and it talks about a novel product d3o that can control impact effects by adjusting molecular structure in case of shock loads. If this material becomes a regular apparel material, we may see many Jackie Chans in the future. The material is d3o.

Visit this page to learn more about this material, This is not a SPAM.

I don't know if you guys knew of this. I guess you do. Is this material really the way it is advertised, or some boasting included?

Zhigang Suo's picture

Essays and books on writing well

  • G. M. Whitesides, Writing a paper. Advanced Materials 15, 1375-1377, 2004.  This three-page essay by a prolific professor at Harvard advocates a process:  start writing a paper at the same time you start a research project.  Every thinking person should read this essay, and give the process a try.


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