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Ahmed Elbanna's picture

Can you "chop" a mechanical wave?

In this paper we highlight several interesting phenomena that may emerge from coupling simple elastic systems like 1d bars. While in compostes we usually focus on wave propagation normal to the stratification direction (composite layers are coupled in series), here we show that extreme attenuation at multiple frequencies may emerge in linear systems that are coupled transversaly. We also introduce a simple device that act as a chopper for mechanical signals.

Nonlinear Dynamics - 2013. Registration deadline extended till January 28th

Dear Colleagues,

The new deadline for abstract (plain text, 400 word limit) submission is now January 28, 2013.


The 4th conference "Nonlinear Dynamics -2013" will be held from 19 until 22 June, 2013 in Sevastopol (Ukraine).

Conference web-site:


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4th International Conference "Nonlinear Dynamics - 2013" , Sevastopol, Ukraine, 19-22 June, 2013

Dear Colleagues,

The Organizing Committee of the 4th conference ND-2013 is pleased to invite you to participate at the Nonlinear Dynamics Conference to be held from 19 until 22 June, 2013 in Sevastopol (UKRAINE).

Conference web-site:


The conference is organised by:

About piezoelectric resonance.

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For 31 mode piezoelectric plate. I have measured it's electric impedance spectrum (curve of Log IZI~ Frequency). I found that, when I used this plate for a piezoelectric sensor to receive mechanic signals. the maximum output  occured at antiresonance frequency;   For example, for piezoelectric hydrophone or receiving-type piezoelectric transducers, It works at antiresonance frequency (at the maximum electric impedance). 

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