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band gaps

Maria Carrillo-Munoz's picture

Identifying elastic wave polarization and bandgaps in periodic solid media

Dear iMechanica community,

I would like to share with you the publication of our paper Identifying elastic wave polarization and bandgaps in periodic solid media, in the International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 


TitleIdentifying elastic wave polarization and bandgaps in periodic solid media

Authors: Maria Carrillo-Munoz and Bhisham Sharma

Ahmed Elbanna's picture

Can you "chop" a mechanical wave?

In this paper we highlight several interesting phenomena that may emerge from coupling simple elastic systems like 1d bars. While in compostes we usually focus on wave propagation normal to the stratification direction (composite layers are coupled in series), here we show that extreme attenuation at multiple frequencies may emerge in linear systems that are coupled transversaly. We also introduce a simple device that act as a chopper for mechanical signals.

mihussein's picture

Journal Club Theme of April 2012: Phononics: Structural Dynamics of Materials

Engineering structures are made out of materials and as such there is a natural hierarchy in which a material’s intrinsic properties contribute to shaping up the structure’s response. It is possible however to reverse this hierarchy and engineer materials that are made out of structures. In this case, the intrinsic properties of a material are shaped by the structural response. Such a configuration can only be realized with a repeated structure, forming an array of identical unit cells.

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