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Buckling and Post buckling

Fan Xu's picture

On the wrinkling and restabilization of highly stretched sheets

Wrinkles are commonly observed in uniaxially stretched rectangular sheets with clamped-clamped boundaries, and can disappear upon excess stretching. Here we explore this wrinkling and restabilization behavior both analytically and numerically. We find that Poisson’s ratio plays a crucial role in the wrinkling and restabilization behavior. Smaller Poisson’s ratio makes later onset of wrinkling, lower amplitude and earlier disappearance of wrinkles.

Fan Xu's picture

A modeling and resolution framework for wrinkling in hyperelastic sheets at finite membrane strain

Wrinkles commonly occur in uniaxially stretched rectangular hyperelastic membranes with clamped-clamped boundaries, and can vanish upon excess stretching. Here we develop a modeling and resolution framework to solve this complex instability problem with highly geometric and material nonlinearities. We extend the nonlinear Foppl-von Karman thin plate model to finite membrane strain regime for various compressible and incompressible hyperelastic materials.

Fan Xu's picture

Photo-controlled patterned wrinkling of liquid crystalline polymer films on compliant substrates

Photo-chromic liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) is a type of smart materials which are sensitive to light. Here we harness its photo-mechanical response to flexibly control surface patterning, through modeling a film involving homeotropic nematic liquid crystals with director perpendicular to the polymer film attached on a compliant substrate. Theoretical and numerical analyses were conducted to explore the surface instability of such film/substrate systems under both uniform and non-uniform illuminations by ultraviolet (UV) light, respectively.

Bin Liu's picture

Adaptive periodical representative volume element for simulating periodical postbuckling behavior

Finite element method (FEM) with fixed representative volume element (RVE) encounters some difficulties in simulating the periodical postbuckling behaviors of infinite long beam or infinite large film on soft substrate under compression, because the wavelength and pattern of buckling are not known before simulation and will change with the increase of compression strain.

Post Buckling Analysis using Nastran Sol 106

Can anyone help me out to resolve DMAP Fatal Message 9061(IFPL) - the version requested on the restart FMS statement is not valid for restart purposes. subsequent restarts should reference a prior valid version.

What this error and why it is happening?

Thanks in Advance

Nagaraja N

Ganesh Soni's picture

First ply failure of composite panels using ABAQUS

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I am using ABAQUS Software for analysis of laminated composite plates (279X279X2.16) and (0/90)4s having 16 plies; trying to perform Buckling and Post buckling analysis using Static Rik’s algorithm.

Firstly, Eigen value analysis is performed in step one, and thus bulking load is predicated.Then Eigen values are incorporated in Static Rik’s Non-linear analysis for imperfection (1% of first Eigen mode,0.05% of second Eigen mode, 0.025% of third mode and 0.025% of forth mode)using edit keywords method.

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