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Harold S. Park's picture

Keynote Lecture by Prof. Ted Belytschko at 2008 ASME IMECE in Boston

I would like to invite everyone attending the 2008 ASME IMECE next week in Boston to attend a keynote lecture given by Prof. Ted Belytschko of Northwestern University.  The lecture will occur at 1:45 PM on Tuesday, November 4, and will be entitled "Multiscale Computations of Fracture - When Does Flaw Tolerance Occur?" 

Further information on Prof. Belytschko's talk can be found here:

Nonlinear mechanics of single-atomic-layer graphene sheets

Qiang Lu and Rui Huang

Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering mechanics, University of Texas, Austin,
TX 78712, USA

A 1st step to super-strong carbon materials? 'Graphene oxide paper', Nature July 26 issue

Long URL: (

The above was written for the interested layperson who wants to learn more about science. It provides some context for our manuscript that has recently appeared in Nature.

Rui Huang's picture

Research Highlight: Graphene Oxide Paper

From Northwestern Engineering:

In a paper published July 26 in the journal Nature, researchers led by Rod Ruoff, John Evans Professor of Nanoengineering in the Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, report on the development of "graphene oxide paper."

Micromechanical Exfoliation and Graphene: 1999 papers and brief discussion of them

The discovery of a new material type, graphene and extremely thin platelets of graphite, was discussed in several articles from my research group published in 1999:

Lu XK, Huang H, Nemchuk N, and Ruoff RS, Patterning of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite by oxygen plasma etching, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 75, 193-195 (1999).


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