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ultrasonic wave

3 PhD positions (4 years) on ultrasound inspection of layered materials

Ghent University (Belgium) has three open PhD positions of each 4 years on ultrasound inspection of layered materials, ranging from composites over coated pipelines to wood. More information can be found on

2008eml's picture

High Frequency Elastic Wave Propagation (KHz or MHz)

Hi everybody, I'm so interested in analysis of wave propagation in solid medias. and I've started by studying some books like "Ultrasonic wave propagation in solid media"(Rose). My question is about the importance of this analysis  (propagation of high frequency elastic waves) in the structures. I know that the major application is in the field of Nondestructive Testing(NDT). but I don't know if it is usefull in vibrational analysis of mechanical structures (elastic waves with frequencies around KHz or MHz). is this study important in "dynamic response analysis" of mechanical structures in some special kind of loading like impact? I'd be gratefull if you could introduce me some examples.

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