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Pedro Reis's picture

Solvay Workshop 27-29 August 2018 | Mechanics of Slender Structures

Dear Colleagues,

The organization of the Solvay Workshop: "Mechanics of Slender Strucures in Physics, Biology and Engineering: From failure to functionality" (27-29 August, 2018, ULB, Brussels, Belgium), is going well and we are excited by the substantial number of good quality submissions that we have received. 

However, following many requests, we are pleased to extend the deadline for abstract submission to: April 15, 2018.

Workshop: From 3D Computed Tomography Images (NSI) to Simulation-Ready Models (Simpleware), Mar 22

Date/Time: Thursday, March 22, 2018 / 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Location: North Star Imaging UK, High Wycombe, UK

Fee: Free-to-attend. Pre-registration is required as places are limited

Who should attend

pastewka's picture

CECAM/Psi-k Workshop: "Emergence of surface and interface structure from friction, fracture and deformation"

Dear Colleague,

 we are pleased to announce a four-day CECAM/Psi-k Workshop on

 "Emergence of surface and interface structure from friction, fracture and deformation",

that will take place at the EPFL campus in Lausanne from Tuesday 24th July to Friday 27th July 2018.

Ravi-Chandar's picture

US National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: IUTAM Symposia and Summer School Proposals

THe US National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM) would like to bring to your attention the deadline for submission of proposals for IUTAM Symposia and IUTAM Summer Schools for the years 2020 and 2021 is 31 March 2018. If you or some of your colleagues plan to submit a proposal, please visit the webpage

J Mahmud's picture

5th International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICRMM 2018)

ICRMM 2018: Call for Papers


5th International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICRMM 2018)


June 9-11, 2018

Dubai, UAE


Click on:



J Mahmud's picture

7th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2018)

ICEIM 2018 & ICFMS 2018: Call for Papers


2018 7th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2018)


3rd International Conference on Functional Materials and Steel (ICFMS 2018)

10 - 12 September, 2018

Kitakyushu, Japan


click on:

Dongsheng Xu's picture

Welcome to MMM2018, Osaka, Japan, October 28-November 2, 2018

Dear Colleagues, The MMM conference is the world leading forum dedicated to the dissemination of the latest development in the field of multiscale materials modeling. Both people working on multi-scale modeling and simulation and experimental verification are welcome to take part in the meeting, to share your new progress and meet old friends. The abstract submission deadline is March 31, 2018, only a few days left.

Simpleware at ORS 2018, Mar 10-Mar 13, New Orleans

Learn about Synopsys Simpleware software's 3D image data (MRI, CT, micro-CT...) processing and model generation capabilities for orthopaedics, including medical device design, at this year's ORS.

We'll be available at booth #1215 to discuss how to use Simpleware software to improve workflows using complex scan data.

Read more about this year's ORS

Meredith N. Silberstein's picture

Abstract Deadline Extended to April 15th - International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM)

Dear Colleagues, The 9th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM) is held in Osaka, Japan on October 28 - November 2, 2018 ( We are pleased to inform you that the abstract submission for a symposium on Multiscale Mechanics of Polymers, Soft Matter and Network Materials (Symposium H) is already open on the conference website.

Simpleware at CMBBE 2018, Lisbon, Mar 26-Mar 29 2018

March 26-29, 2018 - Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

The 15th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering will include plenary lectures by renowned international speakers, workshops and special sessions, and presentation sessions by contributing authors. CMBBE 2018 will bring together established researchers and international key speakers, offering top level, state of the art knowledge and networking opportunities in the field of biomechanics and biomedical engineering.'s picture

The 7th edition of the International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC7)

The 7th edition of the International Conference on Fatigue of Composites is going to be held in Vicenza (Italy) from 4th to 6th of July 2018. The conference is organized by the Department of Management and Engineering at the University of Padova, under the patronage of the European Society for Composite Materials, the Committee on Composite Materials of the Japan Society of Material Science, the Italian Association for Stress Analysis and the Italian Group of Fracture.

3D CT to Simulation-Ready Models Workshop, Mar 22nd, UK

From 3D Computed Tomography Images (NSI) to Simulation-Ready Models (Simpleware)

Date/Time: Thursday, March 22, 2018 / 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Location: North Star Imaging UK, High Wycombe, UK

Fee: Free-to-attend. Pre-registration is required as places are limited

Who should attend

4th International Conference on BioTribology (ICoBT2018): Invited speakers announced

We are pleased to announce the invited speakers for the 4th International Conference on BioTribology (ICoBT 2018), which will take place 26-29 September 2018 in Montreal, Canada.


The aim of the ICoBT meetings is to bring together researchers from across the scientific, clinical and engineering spectrum, to promote communication across the different disciplines and to provide a platform for the presentation of new work in one meeting focused solely on Biotribology.

Seminar: BioEM Simulations for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, March 21st

National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK

The interaction between electromagnetic fields (EM) and the human body are being exploited in clinical and biomedical applications. Electromagnetic medical devices are used for diagnosis as well therapy. This NAFEMS seminar brings together EM software communities to discuss the topic of bio electromagnetics; current trends in EM simulation, exposure to EM fields, and applications of EM field for both therapy and detection.

Simpleware at BioEM - attend the Simpleware Presentation

Les's picture

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Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

Строительство Объектов - это сложная и трудоемкая задача, с которой невозможно справиться без должной подготовки, знаний, опыта и специального оборудования. Любые ошибки, допущенные при разработке проекта и возведении дома, в дальнейшем приведут к серьезным неприятностям: проседанию фундамента, возникновению перекосов и трещин, ухудшению теплоизоляции и др. Чтобы не допустить подобных проблем, следует обращаться за помощью к профессионалам, ели заинтересовались
Построить дом Уникальная предварительная обработка древесины — это залог качества будущего дома и его долговечности. Безусловно, наши предки были великими мастерами, однако даже им сложно было добиться идеальной поверхности стен, ведь обычный топор не мог предоставить подобных возможностей.

Theocharis's picture

ASME IMECE 2018 "Deformation and Failure of Multifunctional Materials" – Last call for abstracts

Dear Colleagues:

We would like to cordially invite you to attend the symposium entitled "Deformation and Failure of Multifunctional Materials" organized under track "Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids" in the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) ASME 2018 conference. The conference will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 11–14, 2018 (

Simpleware Workshop, Brussels, March 2nd

From 3D Images to Models - Introduction to Simpleware Software Workshop

Date / Time: Friday, March 2, 2018 / 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Location: Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium    Directions

Fee: Free-to-attend. Pre-registration is required as places are limited 

Who should attend

tehrani's picture

Congress-Wide Symposium on Additive Manufacturing (ASME-IMECE 2018): abstract deadline Feb 26

Congress-Wide Symposium on Additive Manufacturing (Topic 2-2)IMECE-ASME, Pittsburgh, PA, November 9-15th of 2018. The abstracts (400-650 words) are due Feb 26th.


WaiChing Sun's picture

Last Call for Abstracts: EMI mini-symposium on Computational Geomechanics, Boston 5/29-6/1/2018 (abstracts due tomorrow)

MS27: Computational GeomechanicsWaiChing Sun, Columbia University
Jose Andrade, Caltech
Ronaldo Borja, Stanford University
Jinhyun Choo, University of Hong Kong
Majid Manzari, George Washington University
Richard Regueiro, University of Colorado Boulder

Francois Barthelat's picture

IUTAM Symposium on Architectured Materials Mechanics: Call for Poster abstracts

We are still accepting Poster abstract for this event, Deadline for abstract submission: Feb 28, 2018. Abstract submission and all other inquires:

Stavros Gaitanaros's picture

Call for abstracts EMI 2018 MS63: Extreme mechanics of architected materials

Please consider submitting an abstract to the Mini-Symposium 63 Extreme mechanics of architected materials for the EMI 2018 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference which will take place May 29 - June 1 at MIT. The deadline for abstract submission is January 31.

Simpleware at iCT 2018, Feb 6th to 8th


Learn about Simpleware for 3D image to model solutions at the 8th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography, held at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria this February.

Meet the Simpleware team at this event to explore the software's use for materials characterisation and industrial analysis.

Read more about this event here:

jansen's picture


<p>Dear colleagues, the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems) (ECCM 6) and the 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7) will be jointly organized in Glasgow, UK. As co-organizers of the Minisymposium „COMPUTATIONAL MODELING AND VIRTUAL TESTING OF COMPOSITE STRUCTURES“ (MS160), we are glad to invite you to present and share your latest research and perspectives in the field of modeling and simulation of modern composite structures.


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