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Synopsys at COMSOL Conference 2018 Bangalore, Aug 9-10 2018

August 9-10, 2018 – ITC Gardenia, Bangalore, India

The COMSOL Conference 2018 brings together engineers and scientists from a broad spectrum of industries to advance the use of analysis and simulation software. This event focuses on multiphysics simulation, and offers a great variety of talks and presentations, training courses, and a lively exhbition area.

Synopsys at COMSOL 2018 Bangalore:

At the conference you can find out more about Simpleware Software for a variety of engineering applications, including:

2018 IMECE Student Travel Award Competition

The Applied Mechanics Executive Committee (AMD-EC) is pleased to announce the 2018 IMECE student travel award competition, which is sponsored by the Haythornthwaite Foundation*.

bxl295's picture

USACM Thematic Workshop on Meshfree and Particle Methods: Application and Theory

Dear Colleagues:

You are cordially invited to participate in the USACM Thematic Conference on Meshfree and Particle Methods: Applications and Theory

Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico 

Time: September 10-12, 2018


jingguo2011's picture

Reminder: 2018 Midwest Mechanics Workshop registration

Dear Colleagues,

This is a gentle reminder that the 2018 Midwest Mechanics Workshop will take place at IIT, Chicago on Thursday, August 9.  The deadline for registration is July 26, so we will have time to figure out the logistics. Note that registration is free for this one-day workshop. Please see:

Cai Shengqiang's picture

Abstract submission to Mechanics of Soft Materials (ASME IMECE)

Dear colleagues,

This is a gentle reminder that abstracts are due on July 23rd for presentation only.  Please consider submitting abstracts to our topic on the Mechanics of Soft Materials (Track 12-1) one of the most active areas in the ASME!  Some of our planned sessions are:

12-1 Mechanics of Soft Materials

Howon Lee's picture

[ASME IMECE 2018] Symposium on 3D Printed Soft Materials

Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the symposium on 3D Printed Soft Materials at the ASME 2018 IMECE to be held from November 9 to November 15, 2018 in Pittsburgh, PA. 

Chandrap's picture

Rubber Durability Workshop - Bangalore

Course1: Characterizing Elastomer Fatigue Behavior for Analysis and Engineering (24th July to 26th July):-

Elastomers are outstanding in their ability to repeatedly endure large deformations, and they are often applied where fatigue performance is critical. Their macromolecular structure gives rise to unique behaviors, and so appropriately specialized experimental methods are needed to characterize, analyze, and design for durability. This 3-day course will give you powerful approaches to anticipate, diagnose and solve fatigue-related issues.

1st International Conference TMM_CH Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Athenx, Greece, October 2018

1stInternational Conference TMM_CH


Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation
for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage


10-13 October, 2018 Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece


For more information and call of papers, please visit:

Stephan Rudykh's picture

Call for abstracts: IWCMM-28 Sept. 10-12, 2018 Glasgow, UK

Dear Colleagues, 28th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM-16) will be held in Glasgow, UK,  September 10th-12th, 2018. As part of this meeting, we are organizing a session on Functional and Architectured Materials  

Workshop: Virtual Orthopedics – Digital Solutions to New Implants and Prostheses

Date / Time: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 / 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (optional hands-on until 3:30  pm)

Location: Dassault Systemes Stuttgart, Germany  

Fee: Free-to-attend. Pre-registration is required as places are limited

From scans to personalized 3D models, using simulation to reduce physical prototyping leading to faster certification. Dassault Systèmes (SIMULIA) and Synopsys (Simpleware) showcase possibilities to bring personalized and innovative medical products to the market  faster.

Workshop: Virtual Orthopedics – Digital Solutions to New Implants and Prostheses, Berlin, June 12th

Date / Time: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 / 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (optional hands-on until 3:30  pm)

Location: Dassault Systemes Berlin, Germany

Fee: Free-to-attend. Pre-registration is required as places are limited

Register here


Programme announced for 8th International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis (ICEFA2018)

<p>The 8th International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis will be held 8-11 July 2018, Budapest, Hungary. We are pleased to announce the oral programme is available to view and download at - the ICEFA2018 conference will bring together world-class researchers, users and specialists involved in all aspects of failure analysis and prevention from the fields of mechanical, manufacturing, aeronautical, civil, chemical, corrosion and design engineering.

J Mahmud's picture

ICBME 2018: International Conference on Biomechanics and Medical Engineering

ICBME 2018Call for Paper


International Conference on Biomechanics and Medical Engineering (ICBME 2018)


12-14 September 2018

Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA


jingguo2011's picture

Midwest Mechanics Workshop -2018

Registration is now open for this year's midwest mechanics This annual workshop is an effort that was started 4 years ago to bring together mechanics researchers from the Midwestern region and has a distinctly educational character to it.

Simpleware Software at Medtec Europe 2018, Apr 17th-18th

Denis Feindt of Synopsys will be at this year's MedTec Europe event in Stuttgart - learn more about going from 3D images to models for medical devices in Simpleware software.

Learn more about MedTec -

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Short Course Multiscale Materials Design 2018


I’ll again offer the Multiscale Materials Design short course at MIT this summer, June 11-15, 2018. Registration is now open at Participants will receive an MIT certificate following the one-week course.  I have a limited number of fellowships available for postdocs and graduate students, please email me if you are interested (mbuehler@MIT.EDU).

Please participate in SES 2018, Madrid, October 10-12

Dear colleagues,

The Society of Engineering Science 2018 (SES 2018) meeting will be help in Madrid, Spain, October 10-12, 2018:

Bent F. Sørensen's picture

Abstracts for Risø International Symposium on Fatigue of Composite Materials at the Technical University of Denmark, DTU

It is still possible to submit abstracts for this years symposium, which had the theme "Fatigue of Composite Materials: Microstructure, mechanics and methods". The symposium is organized by Section of Composites and Materials Mechanics of the Department of Wind Energy of the Technical University of Denmark, DTU.

Henry Tan's picture

The 1st International Symposium on Mechanics, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

Mission Statement
To facilitate communication and a rich exchange of knowledge among academia, industry, and research societies whose works involve mechanics.

David Henann's picture

Symposium on "Mechanics of Granular Media: Experiments, Theory and Modelling" at SES 2018

We encourage you to contribute an abstract to the symposium "Mechanics of Granular Media: Experiments, Theory and Modelling" (Symposium 2.10) at the 55th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES) to be held in Madrid, Spain, October 10-12, 2018. The symposium description may be found below. For further details and to submit an abstract, please see the meeting website.

Ying Li's picture

A Career Development Workshop for Ph.D. Students and Postdocs at USNC/TAM 2018

18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics – Jointly Organized with the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Thursday, June 7A Career Development Workshop for Ph.D. Students and Postdocs, 4:30 – 6:00 pm. 



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