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Huajian Gao's picture

CISM Course: Advanced and Bio-Inspired Nanomechanics

Hi all,

There will be a 5 day - course on Advanced and Bio-Inspired Nanomechanics at CISM Udine, Italy.

- HG

PS. Original flyer on CISM website:

Advanced and Bio-Inspired Nanomechanics

July 18, 2011 — July 22, 2011

ramdas chennamsetti's picture

Linear and non-linear buckling

Hi all,

When we do a non-linear buckling analysis, initially we introduce some imperfections (mode shapes of mode 1, 2 etc) from eigen buckling analysis. Then we multiply the load with eigenvalue of the first mode. This load is applied on the structure having imperfections. Now put on non-linear geometric option and run the analysis. At bifurcation point we get non-linear buckling load. Non-linear buckling load comes close to eigen buckling value.

Decription of my problem is as follows. 

Wenbin Yu's picture

DNAD, a simple tool for automatic differentiation


I am writing to introduce DNAD, a Fortran module I wrote for automatic differentiation of analysis codes written in Fortran including those legacy codes written in Fortran 77. Although only implementation using Fortran 90/95 was carried out, it is straightward to translate it to a language you like such as c/c++.

1 Postdoc and 1 PhD student positions for biophysics/biochemistry and biotribology of mucin/mucus gels

1 Postdoc and 1 PhD student positions are available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEK), Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

Robert G. Parker's picture

Faculty Positions-Univ. of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute

The University of Michigan-Shanghai
Jiao Tong University Joint Institute invites applications for tenure-track Assistant,
Associate, and Full Professor positions in all emerging fields related to mechanical
engineering and related disciplines. These positions are open to top caliber
applicants from around the world. In 2005, the University of Michigan and Shanghai
Jiao Tong University established the Joint Institute in Shanghai with a
commitment to build a world-class academic institution based on the US research
university model. With its unique academic mission and standing in China and collaborative
connection to UM and SJTU, the JI offers faculty extraordinary opportunities to

Ph.D. in seismology and geodynamics at ETH Zurich

The institute of Geophysics of ETH Zurich is seeking a highly motivated Ph.D. candidate to be working in the domain of seismic imaging of the Earth's interior. Global seismic tomography is a relatively young discipline that rose to prominence in the 1980s and

Finalists for the 2011 Melosh Competition Announced

Six finalists have been announced for the Twenty-Third Annual Robert J. Melosh Competition for the Best Student Paper in Finite Element Analysis. The finalists and their current institutions are:

Bircan Avci, Leibniz University

Andrea Hawkins-Daarud, University of Texas at Austin

Daniel Hurtado, California Institute of Technology

Sezgin Kucukcoban, University of Texas at Austin

Michael Scott, University of Texas at Austin

free position for research scientist in the field of dislocation modeling

We have one free position for a research scientist in our group at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany.

The topics are related to dislocation modeling at either atomic or continuum scale. Please contact me if you are interested.

NSF Sponsored Workshop on Biomechanical Imaging at RPI

Rensselaer's Inverse Problems Center (IPRPI) will be hosting a workshop on Biomechanical Imaging on April 27th and 28th organized by MANE Associate Professor Assad Oberai. The registration for this workshop is free and funds for travel and local stay are available for attendees.

L. Roy Xu's picture

Why fracture and failure mechanics is so important? From Southwest Boeing 737 cracks to future Boeing 787 safety

Even Jay Leno tried to understand fatigue cracks at his Yesterday’s Tonight Show, our research on fracture and failure mechanics is received great attention from the general public. Read more after this photo--

  Southwest jet


Postdoctoral Fellow Position Available in Fatigue of Al alloys at Monash University, Melbourne Australia

Dear Friends,

I am currently advertising for a new post-doc to work with me in the field of cyclic deformation and fatigue of precipitation hardenable Al alloys.  It is a 2yr position advertised at the following link.  Applications close 20th April.

Amin Aghaei's picture

Symmetry-Adapted Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics of Chiral Carbon Nanotubes under Tensile Loading

Here is the paper "Symmetry-Adapted Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics of Chiral Carbon Nanotubes under Tensile Loading"

 Amin Aghaei, Kaushik Dayal

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

Assistant professor (lecturer) position in composite materials at Cardiff University

Composite Materials
Cardiff University - Cardiff School of Engineering

The Cardiff School of Engineering seeks applications
for a full time Lecturer post in Composite Materials.  The successful
candidate should have an established record of research and/or
industrial experience in one or more of the following areas, composite
manufacturing, composite design and analysis, mechanical testing of

A short-beam shear fracture approach to measure the mode II fracture toughness of materials with preferred interfaces

Increasing complexity of numerical simulations has made it important to obtain reliable experimental data for a variety of mechanical properties. Fracture properties are complex to measure but accurate data is often desirable for several challenging problems. We have developed a novel short-beam shear fracture approach in order to measure the mode-II fracture toughness properties of materials with 'preferred' interfaces.

Live Webinar: Realtime Design & Engineering Reviews Using High-End 3D Visualizations in Realtime

LIVE WEBINAR - Realtime Design & Engineering Reviews
Using High-End 3D Visualizations

We would like to invite you to join our third webinar
with Car Design News, the leading online resource for automotive design
industry professionals, transportation design students and enthusiasts

6.04.2011, 16:30 Europe Time or 10:30 EDT 

Amit Shyam's picture

ASM Educational Symposium: Innovations in Mechanical Testing: From Molecules to Large Engineering Structures

Dear iMechanica Readers,

Greetings from Oak Ridge.  
I would like to invite you, your colleagues and students to attend the annual Educational Symposium organized by the Oak Ridge Chapter of ASM International.  The theme for this year’s symposium is:

“Innovations in Mechanical Testing: From Molecules to Large Engineering Structures”

We have an outstanding list of speakers, which includes:

Laurent Champaney's picture

Postdoctoral position in Paris (Numerical & Experimental Structural Mechanics)

Location: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, LMT Cachan, South of Paris, France
Duration: 18 month
Starting date: Between March 2011 and September 2011
Scholarship: €2000/month


Bo Li's picture

Effect of mechanical pre-stretch on the stabilization of dielectric elastomer actuation

A dielectric elastomer is capable of giant electromechanical actuation but fails at breakdown due to instability under certain conditions with a small deformation. By applying a mechanical pre-stretch, one obtains a stabilized large actuation.


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