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Shuozhi Xu's picture

Uniaxial deformation of tungsten nanopillars/nanowires/nanotubes: Atomistic and coarse-grained atomistic simulations

Dear Colleague,

In the last two years, we published six papers on uniaxial deformation of tungsten nanopillars/nanowires/nanotubes using atomistic and coarse-grained atomistic simulations:

Recoverable plasticity in penta-twinned metallic nanowires governed by dislocation nucleation and retraction

AbstractThere has been relatively little study on time-dependent mechanical properties of nanowires, in spite of their importance for the design, fabrication and operation of nanoscale devices.

Cai Wei's picture

Postdoctoral Position Opening at Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC)

Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) a newly established interdisciplinary institute in China is recruiting multiple postdoctoral positions ( to conduct top research in computational sciences in condensed matter physics, quantum optics, biological sciences, and material sciences and advance algorithm developments.

Daniel Kiener's picture

Reversible cyclic deformation mechanism of gold nanowires by twinning–detwinning transition evidenced from in situ TEM

Reversible deformation of metal nanowires accommodating large strains by twinning-detwinning


In situ studies of deformation in metal nanowires have yielded interesting results, as recently published in Nature Communications. An international research team performed cyclic loading on gold nanowires and observed twinning and detwinning phenomena, respectively caused by tensile and compressive loading, and elucidate the underpinning mechanism by molecular dynamics simulations.

duping812's picture

Tunable electrical and mechanical responses of PDMS and polypyrrole nanowire composites

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Ping Du, Xi Lin, Xin Zhang

Volume 46, Number 19, Page 195303


A generic experimental procedure is presented in this work to enhance
the electrical responses of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) through
incorporation of conducting polymer nanowires, while maintaining the
desirable mechanical flexibility of PDMS. The conducting polypyrrole

Temperature–pressure-induced solid–solid 〈100〉 to 〈110〉 reorientation in FCC metallic nanowire

 I would like to share our recent research work on FCC metallic nanowires, which is published in Journal of Physics : Condensed Matters (IOP) . The abstract of the paper is given below. Further details can be found at

Vijay Kumar Sutrakar et al 2012 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 015401 



Designing copper–zirconium based nanowires for improving yield strength and plasticity via configuring surface atoms

Following our previous work on Cu-Zr nanowire system, in this paper we have shown improvement in various thermo-mechanical properties of nanowire via manipulating the surface atoms. The paper titled "Designing copper–zirconium based nanowires for improving yield strength and plasticity via configuring surface atoms" by Vijay Kumar Sutrakarand D Roy Mahapatra has been published in Journal of Nanoparticle Research. The paper can be downloaded from

Jianliang Xiao's picture

In-surface Buckling of Silicon Nanowires on Elastomeric Substrates

Buckling of thin layers or aligned arrays of stiff materials on elastomeric substrates has many important applications, such as stretchable electronics, precision metrology and flexible optoelectronics.  These systems show one common phenomenon, the stiff thin layers buckle normal to the substrate surface (out-of-surface buckling).  By contrast, we recently reported for the first time that silicon nanowires (SiNWs) on elastomeric substrates buckle only within the substrate surface, i.e. in-surface buckling.

Stress-induced phase transformation and pseudo-elastic/pseudo-plastic recovery in intermetallic Ni–Al nanowires

Dear friends,

I want to share our recent research work on NiAl nanowire, which is published in Nanotechnology, IOP publishing. The abstract of the paper is given below. Further details can be found at "Vijay Kumar Sutrakar et al 2009 Nanotechnology 20 295705 (9pp)   doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/29/295705"



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Stress-induced martenstic phase transformation in Cu-Zr nanowires

Hi Friends

I want to share some of our recent research work on the stress induced phase transformation of CuZr nanowire which is published in Materials Letters.

Ting Zhu's picture

Surface dislocation nucleation


  Surface dislocation nucleation

Ting Zhu, Ju Li, Amit Samanta, Austin Leach and Ken Gall, “Temperature and strain-rate dependence of surface dislocation nucleation”, Physical Review Letters, 100, 025502 (2008).

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