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Ahmed Elbanna's picture

Can you "chop" a mechanical wave?

In this paper we highlight several interesting phenomena that may emerge from coupling simple elastic systems like 1d bars. While in compostes we usually focus on wave propagation normal to the stratification direction (composite layers are coupled in series), here we show that extreme attenuation at multiple frequencies may emerge in linear systems that are coupled transversaly. We also introduce a simple device that act as a chopper for mechanical signals.

Updated solution manual for Metamaterial book

The derivations of some equations and solutions to problems from my metamaterials books are now available for download from ResearchGate at

-- Biswajit

stefanogonella's picture

PhD positions in mechanics of metamaterials at the University of Minnesota

PhD positions in the broad area of mechanics of advanced materials and metamaterials are available in the group of Prof. Stefano Gonella ( at the University of Minnesota.

Current topics of interest include: 1) Nonlinear metamaterials, including soft architected lattices; 2) Topological and non-reciprocal metamaterials; 3) Tunable and programmable multifunctional materials and structures.

stefanogonella's picture

Postdoc position in mechanics of metamaterials at the University of Minnesota

A postdoc position in the area of mechanics of metamaterials is available in the group of Prof. Stefano Gonella ( at the University of Minnesota. This exciting opportunity is in the context of a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded interdisciplinary project whose main objective is to investigate the behavior of innovative topological metamaterials with asymmetric wave transport capabilities.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

Nature paper about mechanical metamaterials violating Betti's theorem

Maybe because I am proud of Betti's theorem being italian, I am curious about this big emphasys on systems violating it.  They may "open avenues for energy absorption, conversion and harvesting, soft robotics, prosthetics and optomechanics".... ?  I'd be curious to hear some comments.   Anyway, the last author Andrea Alu is anyway italian like Betti.

Bhisham Sharma's picture

PhD position in Mechanics and Dynamics at Wichita State University

A funded PhD position is open for summer or fall 2017 in the Mechanics and Dynamics Laboratory in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Wichita State University. The research program will focus on the design and development of mechanical metamaterials, their application towards aerospace structures, and will involve a combination of analytical, numerical, and experimental methods. The candidate must have a MS in Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering and a strong background in structural mechanics and dynamics.

stefanogonella's picture

PhD positions in mechanics of advanced materials at the University of Minnesota

PhD positions in the broad area of mechanics of advanced materials are available in the group of Prof. Stefano Gonella ( at the University of Minnesota.

Lifeng Wang's picture

PhD Positions Available in Solid Mechanics and Advanced Materials

Two PhD positions are available immediately in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at State University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook University, New York, US.

stefanogonella's picture

[Call for Abstract] SES 2016 Symposium F-3: Wave Phenomena in Linear and Nonlinear Metamaterials

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the symposium F-3: Wave Phenomena in Linear and Nonlinear Metamaterials at the SES 53rd Annual Technical Meeting (SES2016) to be held October 2-5 2016 in College Park, MD.

Symposium Technical Description

Giorgio Carta's picture

Continuous and discrete microstructured materials with null Poisson's ratio

In this paper we propose different classes of isotropic microstructured media with tunable Poisson's ratio. The elastic periodic systems are continuous porous media and two- and three-dimensional lattices. The microstructural parameters can be tuned in order to have an effective Poisson's ratio equal to zero. The connection between microstructural parameters and effective properties is shown in detail both analytically and numerically.


Continuous system with null Poisson's ratio:

Giorgio Carta's picture

Design of a porous material with isotropic negative Poisson's ratio

This paper proposes the design of a two-dimensional porous solid with omnidirectional negative Poisson's ratio. The hexagonal periodic distribution of the pores makes the effective behavior isotropic. Both experimental tests and numerical simulations have been performed to determine the effective properties of the porous solid. A parametric study on the effect of the geometrical microstructural parameters is also presented. This auxetic structure is easy to fabricate and can be very useful in several engineering applications.


Dian Yang's picture

Phase-transforming and switchable metamaterials

Phase-transforming and switchable metamaterials

Dian Yang, Lihua Jin, Ramses V Martinez, Katia Bertoldi, George M Whitesides, Zhigang Suo

jkyang's picture

Call for Abstracts: Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals, ASME-McMAT 2015

First of all, Happy New Year to you all!

We would like to invite you to participate in the Symposium on Acoustic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals at the ASME 2015 Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference (McMAT2015) to be held this summer from June 29 to July 1, 2015 in Seattle, Washington. 

Justin Dirrenberger's picture

Postdoc position in Paris on generalized continua modelling and experiments


A postdoctoral fellowship is available at Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech) to work on generalized continua modeling.

jkyang's picture

Call for Abstracts: IMECE 2014 Symposium on Phononic Crystals and Metamaterials

Dear Colleague,


We would like to invite you to participate in the Annual Symposium on “Phononic Crystals and Metamaterials” at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expo (IMECE) to be held in Montreal, Quebec (Nov. 14-20, 2014).


aerturk's picture

Graduate Research Assistant (PhD student) position in ME @ Georgia Tech

We are seeking a motivated PhD student (only a student currently in the US for an immediate start) to work as a Graduate Research Assistant in our NSF project titled "Metamaterial-Enhanced Electroelastoacoustic Energy Harvesting for Sensor Systems." This computational and experimental project will investigate electroelastoacoustically coupled linear and nonlinear metamaterial-inspired piezoelectric energy harvesting concepts for self-powered sensor systems.

Nicolae Nicorovici 1944-2010



VALE Nicolae Nicorovici 1944-2010

11 February 2011

Cloaking transformation

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


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