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continuum mechanics

Viscoelastic RVE for CNT Composites


I am Mohammad Aramfard senior student of mechanical engineering and I joined this
great forum yesterday, so I am not very familiar with regulations and rules.Laughing

I am working on modeling CNT composites using cylindrical RVE and I found up to
now that there isn`t a viscoelastic RVE for representing behavior of these

PhD scholarship in Computational stress and damage modelling for rolling contact fatigue - DTU Mechanical Engineering

A PhD scholarship is available at DTU Mechanical Engineering, Section for Solid Mechanics, in the field of fatigue and wear in rolling and sliding contacts, with focus on computational stress and damage modelling. The department has well-established research activities in this field. The present scholarship is partly funded by the Danish Centre for Knowledge based Engineering for Improved Reliability of Critical Wind turbine Components (REWIND)  supported by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.

New International Master Program in Computational Materials Science


I am writing to inform you about a new master in Computational Materials Science offered at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany. It is an international master program, and all the lectures will be given in English.

To enhance multidisciplinary research, the program is open to students from different background, mechanical engineering, solid state physics and materials science.


Mubeen's picture

CISM Course: Plasticity and Beyond

Dear all,

please find information about the 5 day - course on Plasticity and Microstructures at CISM Udine, Italy.

The link is:

Flyer is attached.

Best regards,



Original post from CISM website:

Plasticity and Beyond: Microstructures, Crystal-Plasticity and Phase Transitions

PhD positions in Multiscale computation and modelling of granular materials

Multiscale computation and modelling of granular materials

Granular materials are ubiquitous in nature and extensively utilized in many processes in civil, chemical, mechanical and mining industries.  Understanding and predicting granular material behaviour is vital for migrating natural hazards and for optimising industrial processes.  However, complexity arising from grain interactions poses considerable challenge to this task.  To date, there is no universal theory or model can describe granular material behaviour for a wide range of conditions.


Amit Acharya's picture

Microcanonical Entropy and Mesoscale Dislocation Mechanics and Plasticity

(Journal of Elasticity, Carlson memorial Volume)

A methodology is devised to utilize the statistical mechanical entropy of an isolated, constrained atomistic system to define the dissipative driving-force and energetic fields in continuum thermomechanics. A thermodynamic model of dislocation mechanics is discussed. One outcome is a definition for the mesoscale back-stress tensor and the symmetric, polar dislocation density-dependent, Cauchy stress tensor from atomistic ingredients.

Eran Bouchbinder's picture

A new postdoc position is available

A new postdoctoral position in continuum mechanics is available at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Candidates should have a strong background in physics and/or theoretical mechanics, as well as experience with analytical and computational methods for solving partial differential equations. Possible projects include the mechanics of frictional sliding, the mechanics of biomaterials, the mechanics of glassy materials and dislocation-mediated plasticity. Highly motivated candidates are requested to send their CV, publications list and statement of research interests to Dr.

ebarbero's picture

Unofficial ERRATA and Commentary for Continuum Mechanics for Engineers--3rd ed.

Unofficial ERRATA and Commentary for
Continuum Mechanics for Engineers--3rd ed.
G. T. Mase, R. E. Smelser, and G. E. Mase, CRC, 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4200-8538-9 

See attachement; updated frequently.


Amit Acharya's picture

Professor Donald E. Carlson

It is with great sadness that I report the passing away of Prof. Don Carlson. The link below describes his life and work.

Continuity of traction vector

I am looking for a source which has a good explanation of the pill box argument to prove continuity of the traction vector. If you know of such a source (url, book etc) please let me know. 



Mario Juha's picture

Is peridynamics a superset of Continuum Mechanics?

Recently, I have found a new theory, called Peridynamics, used to solve, mainly, fracture mechanics problems in materials. But, I am confused about the issue if it is a superset of continuum mechanics or is it a totally new theory that reformulate our previous understanding of continuum mechanics? How do you measure material properties with this theory? Do we need to reformulate our theories to deal with fracture mechanics problems? Is it a totally accepted scientific theory?




Mario J. Juha

Amit Acharya's picture

Continuum Mechanics of Line Defects in Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Elastomers

Amit Acharya and Kaushik Dayal

 (To appear in Quarterly of Applied Mathematics)

This paper presents a generalization of traditional continuum approaches to liquid crystals and
liquid crystal elastomers to allow for dynamically evolving line defect distributions. In analogy with
recent mesoscale models of dislocations, we introduce fields that represent defects in orientational
and positional order through the incompatibility of the director and deformation ‘gradient’ fields.

Hirschberger's picture

Position for Research staff member at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

The Graduate School MUSIC ("Multiscale Methods for Interface Coupling") and the
Institute of Continuum Mechanics at Leibniz Universität Hannover invites
applications for a position as a

Research Staff Member in Computational Mechanics

(Salary scale E13 TV-L)

to be appointed on 1 April 2010.

The position is embedded into the Junior Research Group on „Multiscale Modelling of
Materials and Interfaces with Size Effec
ts” and is initially limited to 1 year.

Amit Acharya's picture

Case Studies in Mesoscale Field Dislocation Mechanics

 (in Computational Methods for Microstructure-Property Relationships," Springer. Edited by Somnath Ghosh and Dennis Dimiduk)

Dislocation mediated continuum plasticity: case studies on modeling scale dependence, scale-invariance, and directionality of sharp yield-point

Claude Fressengeas, Amit Acharya, Armand Beaudoin

wvmars's picture

Seeking a logarithmic operator for a 4th order tensor

Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

I don't know whether this question has an answer, but I'd like to see what you all think:

Does anyone know whether or not the following operation is meaningful, whether it is described and defined algorithmically somewhere, and / or how to do it?

ln(Aij) = Bkm ln(Cijkm)

A and B are second order tensors

C is a 4th order tensor

The left hand side involves the natural logarithm of the 2nd order tensor A, which is no problem. 

Seeking Phd position in Mechanics / MEMS


I am a Mechanical Engineer with a Masters from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. I have been working in various fields of Mechanical Engineering: Product development of forging components and in software development of hyper-elastic finite element software development.

principal directions for 4th order tensor

Is it possible to find eigenvalues and principal directions for a 4th order tensor? How?

For a zero order tensor? for a first order tensor? for a third order tensor.........

many thanks

Naghdi's Notes on Continuum Mechanics (ME 185)

 Professor Naghdi's classnotes on continuum mechanics are posted at, and are also linked from my faculty page under "ME 185"

arash_yavari's picture

Balance Laws in Continua with Microstructure

This paper revisits continua with microstructure from a geometric point of view. We model a structured continuum as a triplet of Riemannian manifolds: a material manifold, the ambient space manifold of material particles and a director field manifold. Green-Naghdi-Rivlin theorem and its extensions for structured continua are critically reviewed.

Amit Acharya's picture

Void expansion as wave phenomena - might damage evolution be mathematically related to fluid dynamics and turbulence?

The main idea is the following: a most natural mathematical setup for considering the motion of the void-solid interface of an expanding void is that of the traveling wave. Thus, a theory for macroscopic damage evolution may be suspected as being a homogenized version of basic theory that has such wave phenomena as an essential ingredient. This paper is a first step in probing such questions. 

Zaoyang Guo's picture

Ph.D. studentship in smart material at University of Glasgow, UK

A three-year
PhD studentship is available within the Glasgow Research Partnership in
Engineering (GRPE) as part of the Joint Research Institute in Mechanics of
Materials, Structures and Bioengineering at the University of Glasgow. 
specific goals of the PhD will be to manufacture MREs and determine the
influence of manufacture conditions on the micro-structure and magnetic-sensitivity
of the magnetorheological elastomers (smart material).


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