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PhD Positions Available (up to 2) on Fatigue Resistance of Bone

Bones not only support and protect the various organs of our body but provide structure and enable mobility making them the most important structural materials in the human body. While aging, diet and health are known to significantly affect the structural integrity and fracture resistance of bone, fatigue, a significantly more important loading condition, is rarely studied.

Wenjie Xia's picture

PhD positions in multiscale modeling of materials at North Dakota State University

One or two fully funded PhD positisons (tuition plus reasearch or teaching assistantships) are immediately available in the Computational Dynamics and Materials Laboratory at North Dakota State University (NDSU) during the academic year 2018~2019.

Kawai Kwok's picture

Ph.D. position in mechanics of polymer thin films at University of Central Florida

Applications are invited for a Ph.D. position in modeling and characterization of polymer thin films at University of Central Florida (UCF). The project is focused on viscoelasticity, yielding, and viscoplasticity of polymer films for superpressure balloon and solar sail applications. A combination of computational, experimental, and analytical methods will be utilized in this research.

OliverWeeger's picture

Postdoc in computational mechanics of lattice structures at SUTD in Singapore

We are looking for a postdoctoral research fellow who has experience and interest in developing and implementing computational methods and algorithms for simulation and optimization in structural and continuum mechanics.

mwkeller's picture

Post Doc Position in High Temperature Mechanics for Solar Energy

The University of Tulsa (TU) Department of Mechanical Engineering is searching for a postdoctoral researcher to support our recently awarded U.S. Department of Energy SunShot award for GEN3 CSP Collectors

J Mahmud's picture

5th International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICRMM 2018)

ICRMM 2018: Call for Papers


5th International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICRMM 2018)


June 9-11, 2018

Dubai, UAE


Click on:



Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Employment Opportunity for an Associate Program Director Position, National Science Foundation

CMMI 18-003Dear Colleague Letter: Directorate for Engineering (ENG), Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) - Employment Opportunity for an Associate Program Director Position (Open Until Filled) 

February 20, 2018

Dear Colleagues:

The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), within the Directorate for Engineering (ENG), at the National Science Foundation, announces a nationwide search to fill an Associate Program Director position.

ChangyongCao's picture

Faculty Position in Packaging Innovation, Design and Additive Manufacturing

The Michigan State University (MSU) School of Packaging invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in the area of Packaging Innovation, Design and Additive Manufacturing. The appoint will be at the assistant professor level with a combined research/teaching/service responsibility. Review of applications will begin on February 1, 2018 and will continue until the position is filled.

Teng zhang's picture

EMI 2018 Mini-Symposium MS20 “Nonlinear mechanics of highly deformable solids and structures”

Dear Colleague,

The next Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI) will take place from May 29th to June 1st, 2018, at MIT.

As organizers of the Mini-Symposium MS20 “Nonlinear mechanics of highly deformable solids and structures”, it is our pleasure to invite you and your students to participate in our mini symposium.
The deadline for abstract submission is January 31st, 2018.

Khalid Jawed's picture

Postdoctoral position in mechanics/robotics at UCLA

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work at the intersection of robotics and mechanics. The selected candidate will join the Structures-Computer Interaction Laboratory, a new group in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the University of California, Los Angeles. Visit our website: The research project aims to use collaborative robots to investigate the mechanics of structures (slender/flexible structures in particular). Our lab is equipped with a Sawyer collaborative robot from Rethink Robotics. We will explore how continuum mechanics simulations can be used to train robots to perform simple tasks, e.g. tying knots in ropes. Details of the project will be determined after consultation with the candidate.

Two PhD positions in computational mechanics of composites @ Ghent University (Belgium)

Two funded PhD positions for 4 years are available in the composites group at Ghent University in Belgium. Both are focussed on computational mechanics of composites, in the framework of multi-scale modelling.

More information can be found from:

Research Scientist position - Finite element modeling

We invite applications for a research scientist to work in the area of applied mechanics and materials at A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing (A*STAR IHPC).

keten's picture

Postdoctoral Position At Northwestern University

A postdoctoral associate position is available immediately at the Computational Nanodynamics Laboratory at Northwestern University with Prof. Sinan Keten. This research project focuses broadly on the atomistic and multi-scale modeling of biomolecular materials such as nanocellulose and their interfaces with polymers. A Ph.D. in a related field is required for this position. Expertise in atomistic and molecular modeling techniques (molecular dynamics, density functional theory, coarse-grained molecular simulations) is required. Additionally, a strong background in soft matter research (polymer science, biophysics, or related areas) is highly desired. Interested candidates should send a CV, a summary of research interests, contact information of three references, and three most relevant publications as a single pdf file to Evaluations will begin immediately, and the start date is flexible.

Ying Li's picture

Faculty Positions in Mechanical Engineering at University of Connecticut

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut is growing the faculty to develop existing strengths of the department and expand in exciting new directions. This year, the department invites applications for multiple tenure-track or tenured faculty positions focused on developing innovative material systems, mathematical and computer modeling, as well as analysis and fabrication approaches in support of advanced and digital manufacturing, and with a strong emphasis on scientific rigor.

Ling Liu's picture

PhD Position in Computational Mechanics and Materials at Utah State University

We have 1 PhD position in the general area of modeling and simulation of advanced engineering materials.  The student will have opportunities to work with experts from the industry and the national lab.




1. For applicants with no degree from a English-Speaking country: 


TOEFL >= 79 or IELTS >= 6 (and a minimum score of 5 on each subscale)


2. GRE verbal and quantitative scores (no minimum requirement)


3. Self-motivated


4. Strong interest in computational research


Jingjie Yeo's picture

International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering (IJCMSE)

As the Editorial Board member of IJCMSE, I enthusiastically welcome the high quality submissions from the community of iMechanica. The objective of the journal is the publication and wide electronic dissemination of innovative and consequential research in all aspects computational materials science and engineering, featuring the most advanced mathematical modeling and numerical methodology developments.

stefanogonella's picture

PhD positions in mechanics of metamaterials at the University of Minnesota

PhD positions in the broad area of mechanics of advanced materials and metamaterials are available in the group of Prof. Stefano Gonella ( at the University of Minnesota.

Current topics of interest include: 1) Nonlinear metamaterials, including soft architected lattices; 2) Topological and non-reciprocal metamaterials; 3) Tunable and programmable multifunctional materials and structures.

Siddiq Qidwai's picture

Employment Opportunity: Program Director, Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MoMS) Program, Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), National Science Foundation (NSF)

August 18, 2017

Dear Colleagues:

The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) in the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) announces a nationwide search to fill a Program Director position for the Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MOMS) program.

Formal consideration of interested applications will begin September 15, 2017, and will continue until a selection is made with an intended start date of January, 2018.

Harold S. Park's picture

2 Tenure-Track Positions in Mechanical Engineering, Boston University

The Boston University Department of Mechanical Engineering anticipates two openings for tenure-track junior faculty positions, pending approval by the Provost. These positions are in Emerging Areas of Mechanical Engineering such as Additive Manufacturing, Multifunctional Materials, Photoacoustic Imaging, and Sustainable Energy Systems. 


KevinGE's picture

Ph.D. Opportunity at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) on Functional 3D Printing

Prof. Ge’s Advanced Manufacturing and Design Laboratory ( is recruiting PhD students. The are immediately available in the general areas of functional advanced manufacturing. The research topics can vary based on the student’s background from solid mechanics for soft active materials, UV curable functional polymer development for 3D printing, and development of high resolution multifunctional 3D Printing system.

rajan_prithivi's picture

Failure of brittle materials using simple experiments -Part 1

Below is the video link to my first lecture video, where in I tried to demonstrate the failure of brittle materials using simple experiments.


stefanogonella's picture

PhD positions in mechanics of advanced materials at the University of Minnesota

PhD positions in the broad area of mechanics of advanced materials and metamaterials are available in the group of Prof. Stefano Gonella ( at the University of Minnesota.

Current topics of interest include: 1) Nonlinear metamaterials, including soft architected lattices; 2) Topological and non-reciprocal metamaterials; 3) Tunable and programmable multifunctional materials and structures.

TalCohenMIT's picture

Postdoc positions in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, MIT

I am in search of two postdocs to join my group, at MIT, on September 1st , 2017, or earlier. These positions will provide a unique flexibility in choice of research topic which will, in general, target problems in nonlinear solid mechanics. See our group website ( for more information on our present research thrusts. Though our primary focus is on theoretical mechanics, candidates with experimental and computational experience are also encouraged to apply.


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