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What is the ideal tension stiffening data for RC Slab analysed with ABAQUS

Iam working on the analysis of simply supported RC Slab using ABAQUS with Concrete Damaged Plasticity. Anyone knows the ideal or best data or expressions or formulaes to relate the yield stress and strain (or displacement or GFI) for tension behavior in the tension stiffening profile.

Please let me knows. Thank you.

Creep simulation - welded zones

I am trying to simulate creep damage in welded components in ABAQUS. I have four different sections in the same model assigned to four different materials. They are weld metal, base metal and Heat affected zones. I have to write a creep subroutine. For all the zones, creep equation is the same , but the parameters or constants change. i want to know how can I assign different parameters for different materials in the fortran source subroutine? what is the variable used for Material 1 , material 2 etc in standard ABAQUS?

3D Composite model in ABAQUS

Dear Abaqus Users,

I would like to model 3D composite structures using Hashin Damage model in ABAQUS. I have seen in ABAQUS manual that Hashin damage model is applicable only for shell element. I would like know whether I can use 3D element available in ABAQUS. Any help would be higly appreciated.


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Michigan State University.




ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) mesh adaptivity in ABAQUS/Standard

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 I'm doing some numerical analysis on penetration of infra-strucutres on soils (such as CPT tests) in ABAQUS/CAE .. what I'm recently challenging with is to overcome the element excessive distorsion due to large deformations... I have to apply contact constraints in my model...I would appreciate it if you share your expriences with me regarding the following tips:

1- Is it possible to use the ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) mesh adaptivity in ABAQUS/Standard? If yes, do you know of any accessible examples (.cae files) or references?

Modeling HyperElastic Material in ABAQUS,

Dear All,

I am modeling rubber seal with hyperelastic material and I am using CAX4R Element for modeling. I achieved contact solution using initial analysis and as an output I got contact pressure and radial and axial displacement of the nodes.

kisku's picture


hello everybody,

i'm very much new new to ABAQUS 6.7-4, which i'm using it in my project work.

i just wanted some help regarding the procedures or any kind of tutorial that will help me learnig the software.

thank you.

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Modelling of load test on board pile by Abaqus

Hi all,
has someone experience with modelling soils in Abaqus? I am trying to model load test on board pile, some errors apear, like so many attempts made for this increment...too large fixed time, etc. I am pleased to share .inp file of analysis.

Morteza_Kiani's picture

How Can I model a dental bridge in abaqus which it is made of composite beam that surround with ceramic (3d model)

Hi dear

I am going to model a 3d dental bridge in abaqus that it is made of 2 parts:

1: a beam with 5 plys from fiber and adhesive (composite part)

2: orthotropic ceramic part which surround the composite beam

I'd appreciate if you help me and write the sequences in the modeling of this issue.

please send it to my email:


Beginner with abaqus.. need help modelling an impact load


Im really quite new to using abaqus and I am having trouble with my modelling.  Esentially it is quite an easy problem but my knowledge of the programme is limitted.  Basically all I want to model is an impact load on a wall but im not sure about the analysis steps.  Initially i have been using a static step with a concentrated load but I dont know how to model the dynamic response the wall should experience after the load has been applied.

If anyone can help with this I would appreciate it a lot.

ABAQUS/CAE plots values with discontinuous edges/nodes

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Discontinuous plot in ABAQUS/CAE

The plot is showing a value typically obtained at the integrations points (in this case a single integration point).

Normally you would make a plot like this by taking the mean value of the surrounding elements to each node, then making a interpolated plot like this. However, it is obvious this is not the case around the red node, as it has several different values in the same node.

Discontinuous plot in ABAQUS/CAE

The plot is showing a value typically obtained at the integrations points (in this case a single integration point).

Normally you would make a plot like this by taking the mean value of the surrounding elements to each node, then making a interpolated plot like this. However, it is obvious this is not the case around the red node, as it has several different values in the same node. This behaviour happens quite often for me in ABAQUS/CAE, and it is quite annoying as the strange looking plot makes the results seem less trustworth.

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ABAQUS - i need help to define my boundary condition/loads etc. Please help.

Hi All,

 I'm really new on abaqus and currently having tremendous problem with it. Could anyone help with it? I'm trying to simulate a thin sheet clamped by rigid jaws and moves it onto designated position. Could anyone advice me on how to its boundary condition and so on.. ANy advice is welcomed. I'm really2 desperate.

Thanks in advance,


Editing KeyWords in ABAQUS- PSI elements

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I am very new to ABAQUS (ABAQUS CAE) and I am trying to model a burried segmented pipeline. when I was going through the manuals I found that we could use PSI elements to model the soil-pipe interaction. On further search I found that this is a feature not supported by CAE and if we want to use it we must use the "Edit Keywords"attribute. Is this the only way to do this or is there any other way to go about using the PSI elements. Any suggestions regarding to editing the Key word options is also welcome. Is there any example that shows us how to modify the keywords ?

crack face unloading

hi all

how the crack face unloading is done in Abaqus in 2-D model? i.e. how the nodal reaction force is brought down to zero while there is crack extension?

Running ABAQUS CAE through MATLAB 7

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Dear all,


I went through the forums and came across one similar topic, posted by alex_612 "Using Matlab to optimize the ABAQUS/Explicit FE mode", but with no replies. So I would like to bring this similar topic up again.

The problem:

1. I would like to open ABAQUS CAE thought MATLAB (which i have managed to do with the dos('command')), and then run a script as well, through MATLAB. I am using MATLAB 7 and would preferably like to run the whole process thought MATLAB.

Abaqus problem

I'M USING ABAQUS IN MODELING A BEAM UNDER flexural, "BENDING".   my problem is the concrete material model with tension stiffening. my problem is occured repeatedly for all element types.
Although, i imported the input files obtained from the ABAQUS ducomentaion for support; the same error obtained.. the programe message is

The plasticity/creep/connector friction algorithm did not converge at 10 points

please help .. if  any one have a valid input file that represent the concrete model with the tension stiffening please send it .. thanks so much.

ravitejk4u's picture


Hii All

i am using 20 noded brick elements with reduced integration to analyse stress and displcement fields in a simply supported beam. how can i control hourglassing effect? please give me suggestions. 

Section definition influences the finite element size?

I have a doubt regarding the next situation: I'm using a 2D shell deformable part with a solid homogeneous section (plane stress/strain thickness ratio=100) in a standard analysis (static general/static Riks). Should be in this case my mesh always bigger or equal to 100?

Is the plane stress/strain thickness ratio size influencing the minimum finite element size in ABAQUS? 

use ABAQUS/CAE in Laser Forming


 I am a new user here, and I have two problems to use ABAQUS/CAE,

the first problem, I need some tutorials or helps to simulate a coupled temperature-displacement in ABAQUS/CAE !!

 the second is the major problem, my project is in Laser Forming and I want use ABAQUS/CAE in this domain?

thank you in advance for your assistance



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