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finite element analysis

Xiao Hu Liu's picture

Packaging Mechanical Engineer at Hopewell Junction, NY, IBM Microelectronics Division

Packaging mechanical engineers conduct simulation of electronic packages
to optimize package design for compatibility with assembly processes
and for reliable operation in end user systems such as servers, game
consoles and network switches. Simulation is conducted using commercial
finite element software such as ANSYS or ABAQUS to predict package
component stresses and strains. Simulations are verified by measurements
of warpage and stresses / strains in the packages using Digital image
contrast, strain gages, capacitance meters, etc. Package material
properties such as coefficient of thermal expansion, Poisson ratio and
modulus that are required for simulation are measured using specialized
mechanical equipment. Thus, familiarity with numerical simulation

Open House: Can you define FEM in one line?

Can you define FEM in one line?

If yes, what would it be? And, in that case, permit me a second question: How?


...Really interested in knowing what the members of this community think (of this matter), if they do...





New book on Solid and Structural Mechanics, Modeling and Finite Element Analysis


The Mechanics of Solids and Structures  Hierarchical Modeling and the Finite Element Solution


Miguel Luiz Bucalem and Klaus-Jürgen Bathe

 Our main objective in this book is to provide a rational, structured and modern framework for the modeling and analysis of engineering structures.

Teaching FEM to Biologists/Medics


Could anyone recommend courses, online materials or text books that
would be suitable for teaching the finite element method to someone with
a non-engineering background. This request is on behalf of an MD
student wishing to use the FEM for modelling the wrist. We're initially
looking for introductory materials.

Best regards


The "Goldilocks" Effect in Fossilized Dinosaur Trackways

The following paper is now online:

Falkingham P.L., Bates K.T., Margetts L. and Manning P.L. (2011) "The
'Goldilocks' effect: Presevational bias in vertebrate track
assemblages", Journal of the Royal Society Interface


Authors welcome any comments for future studies!

ANSYS transition to Abaqus: FILL, NGEN, and EGEN

In Abaqus .inp or Abaqus/CAE, are there mesh generation commands similar to ANSYS commands FILL, NGEN, and EGEN used to geneate nodes (between keypoints) and elements ?


diffusion equation using finite element


I would like to write a simple subroutine to solve diffusion equation d(ro)/dt = k∇2(ro). using finite element method.

Any suggestions ?




Survey on XFEM: is XFEM good at characterizing Failure rather than Fracture?

Would like to hear your expertise/user/non-expert/sceptic comments on XFEM. Here are some of the challenges. Would like to hear your relections.

1. Can XFEM be utilized in characterizing Failure rather than Fracture?

2. What sort of challenges XFEM still have with respect to Fracture Mechanics?

3. How the Fracture mechanics benefit the industry, from the perspective of strcutural integrity?

4. Failue investigations vs. Fracture investigations: benefit to industry?

5. Academist vs Engineer: Perspective on XFEM

Which free finite element analysis software to use for this problem?



For a personal project I'd like to find a free program that lets me see what happens when I take a beach ball and apply greater and greater weight on it.  I'm specifically interested in the deformation of the ball, and the stresses in the material.


Run ANSYS through MATLAB

Hello All,

Does anyone know if it is possible to run ANSYS as a solver through MATLAB ? I want to run optimization in MATLAB and change some variables whether they are geometry or material variables and run ANSYS through MATLAB to solve especially ANSYS CFX or Workbench where I can have multiphysics.

If this is possible, I would appreciate it if you can share the method of how to do so.

Thank you all


Finalists for 2010 Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition Announced

Seven finalists and three honorable mentions have been announced for the Twenty-Second Annual Robert J. Melosh Competition for the Best Student Paper in Finite Element Analysis. The seven finalists and their current institutions are:

Marcial Gonzalez, Caltech

Ming-Chen Hsu, University of California San Diego

Alejandro Ortiz, University of California Davis

Jay Oswald, Northwestern University

Rashmi Raghu, Stanford University

Phanish Suryanarayana, Caltech

American Engineering Group LLC's picture

Challenges in the finite element analysis of tire design using abaqus

Finite Element Analysis of Vehicle and Tire has become a very important aspect of a tire design and failure analysis to most Tire companies. Tire modeling with ABAQUS is a very complicated process involving complex materials like hyperelastic rubber and textile reinforcements, large model size, prolonged simulation time and various convergence issues. This white paper intends to help in understanding the challenges in tire analysis and several tips and tricks that makes a difference in the quality of the results and processing time.

vh's picture

Multi time scale simulations for wear prediction in micro-gears

Reliability of micro-gears is known to be adversely affected by wear. In this work we report a strategy to predict local wear with the aim of predicting their effective life span. For the prediction of local wear we start from the relevant model experiments, choice of a suitable wear model and identification of the wear coefficient from these experiments. This wear model is then implemented in an efficient finite element based scheme to predict local wear.

Free Size-limited Version of ADINA!

We are offering a free size-limited version of the ADINA finite element analysis software widely used for solving linear and nonlinear structural, heat transfer, CFD and multiphysics problems.

To request your free copy please visit:

Finite Element Analysis of Thermo-Viscoelastic Problem



I am trying to develop a finite element code to capture the residual stresses during the cooling of a viscoelastic body.

Can anyone suggest references or papers that address the finite element formulation of a thermoviscoelastic problem? I have found a couple of papers, but they do not seem to directly apply to what I want.




Research Assistant

University of Florida


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