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ES240 Semester Project Proposal: Finding mechanical resonance modes of various electrode configurations

I have a problem in my research that involves a platinum electrode which will form bubbles of hydrogen gas.  Bubbles sticking to the electrode is expected to be a problem, and one method of dealing with this is to induce resonant vibrations in the electrode.  These vibrations can be excited by running an alternating current through the electrode, which produces physical forces through electromagnetic interactions.


Abaqus project

Project Description:

ES 240 project: Sloshing of a liquid in a cylindrical tank

Although this is a class in solid mechanics, I chose a project which focuses on fluid dynamics. I did this because I think this project will be very educational with respect to the Finite Element Analysis and mechanics in general.

ES 240 Project: Impact Strength of a Hand-Made Bashring

[img_assist|nid=4271|title=Finished Bashring|desc=|link=popup|align=right|width=100|height=75][img_assist|nid=4272|title=Unfinished Bashring Mounted on Crank|desc=|link=popup|align=right|width=100|height=75]

Project Description:

ES 240 Project: Volvox Inversion Mechanics

The biology of the inversion process in Volvox carteri is examined, and a coupled mechanical and kinetic model is proposed.  See attached proposal for details. The presentation given is also attached here, as well as the final paper.  Also, a movie of the simulation that made all of the work wroth while, the inversion of a half-sphere, is attached here as well.  Note: The file inversion2bw.doc is a movie, just download it and change the extension to .avi.  This has to be done since iMechanica doesn't allow attachment of .avi files directly.

Final Project

This is my final project.

Final project for ES 240

This is the pdf file for the final project given by Andew and Lei.

ES 240 Final Project

Here is the powerpoint of the final project, presented by Stevie Steiner and myself.

Fall 2007 ES 240 Final Project "Viscous Deformation of a Fused Quartz Tube" by Sunny Wicks and Stephen Steiner

Attached is a PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation from our final project, titled "Viscous Deformation of a Quartz Tube Caused by Furnace Malfunction:  Analysis and Modeling".

Andrew Seagraves's picture

ES 240, Problem 29, Project Description

Lei and I will be working on developing the appropriate relations and numerical methods for topological optimization of  2D ideal structures.  In this constraint-based optimization study we will try to determine the density distribution which minimizes the strain energy for a fixed volume of material.  This problem is a subset of the so-called "G-closure" problem in topological optimization where we have restricted our possible configurations to certain ideal geometries.   

karthi's picture


Choose a channel featured in the header of iMechanica: 

HI all

     I am Karthikeyan pursuing my
M.S in Rotating Machinery Design. Its high time for me to take up the
project. So I decided to take my project in Fracture or Fatigue. I am
interested in Thermal fiels also. So I would like to do my project in
Thermal Fatigue fracture side. So I would like to get your suggestions
and some topics to take out work.

    I am
interested in coding also so if anybody give guidelines to develop an
element for this analysis then I will be grateful for them.


With Regards

Madhav Mani's picture

Powerpoint + Report

Find attached my powerpoint presentation and my report.

ES 246 Project: Saint-Venant Torsion Problem

I plan to explore the Saint-Venant torsion problem applied to prismatic bars with elastic-plastic behavior. Wagner and Gruttmann have developed a finite element method to obtain the elastic/plastic stresses of a bar using a single load step. In particular, I will present the constitutive model that they have developed, and then use ABAQUS to apply Wagner and Gruttmann’s model to various cross-sections.

Xuanhe Zhao's picture

ES 246 project: Planar Composite under Plastic Deformation

The mechanical performance of a homogeneous material can be varied by the addition of second-phase particles. In this project, we will model a planar composite under plastic deformation. As shown on the following figure, the composite consists of matrix material and randomly-distributed inclusion particles. The matrix is assumed to be an elastic-plastic material with isotropic or kinematic hardenings, and the inclusion particle pure elastic with a higher Young’s modulus. The stress/strain field throughout the composite will be calculated numerically with finite element method.

Nanshu Lu's picture

ES 246 project: Plane Strain Extrusion - Slip-line Field Solution vs. FEM Solution

Due to maturity of FEM package, slip-line field theory is not widely used these days. However, we shall keep in mind that slip-line field analysis can provide analytical solutions to a number of very difficult problem which may involve huge deformations or velocity discontinuities, e.g. many metal forming processes. To evaluate these two analytical and numerical methods for plasticity I will try a simple example, compare these two solutions and finally get into a conclusion of my own.

Madhav Mani's picture


I guess it's time that I cite some papers that are relevant to what I am looking at. A paper byL.Mahadevan et al.: Elements of draping
and another one
Confined elastic developable surfaces: cylinders, cones and the elastica,

Kristin M. Myers's picture

ES 246 Project: Large Deformation Plasticity of Amorphous Solids, with Application and Implementation into Abaqus

node/add/imageI propose to investigate an elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model proposed by Anand and Gurtin [1] for the large deformation of amorphous solids.  Specifically, I will present the constitutive framework proposed for elastic-plastic amorphous materials, I will implement the constitutive equations into Abaqus/Explicit, and I will compare numerical results with experimental results for polycarbonate [2]. 



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