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help each other to solve our problems

Hi dear mechanicinas

we are here to help each other solve our problems.agree?

so why don' read others blogs?

I have written several blogs till now.but just afew people read them and just no one answer!

the  last one was"why I can't define composite layup in abaqus explicite"the error is parameter composite can not be used in abaqus explicit!



Lin.Zhang's picture

what the strain gauge rosette measures is in status of plane strain or plane stress?

I read some textbooks about mechanics of material. regarding strain measurement with strain gauge rosette, most of them regard it as  in the plain strain status.  But in my opinion, what the strain gauge rosette located is a fress surface. In this way, the thress stress components related to this plane, that is zz, zx, zy, should be zero, assuming that  the out normal of this plane is in the direction of Z axis.  then there are sigmaxx, sigma xy, sigmayy to be measured.  Is there anything wrong with my understanding? 

 Thanks in advance. 

Are we going away from mechanics?

Hi all,
            Let me clarify first. The topic is not about is going away from mechanics or not.


      While we refer papers from say early 1900 to 1980's we can see a lot of fundamental developments, especially in mechanics.  In case of solid mechanics, from linear elastic solid mechanics to plasticity and non linear solid mechanics, Continuum mechanics , visco-elasticity, micro polar elasticity, finite deformation problems and a lot more .

A little humor for your day...Cats using Abaqus

Hi everyone,

There is a video on YouTube now of a cat using Abaqus...more specifically, the Abaqus Knee Simulator (Abaqus 6.12 release). Hope it makes you laugh: 

Have a great week!


ZJ Li's picture

Does fluid structure interaction classified as a sub-field within fluid mechanics?


     hi, I am a student in Engineering Mechanics.  I would like to find a lab or a  professor related to fluid structure interaction(FSI) for grad study in USA.  does FSI is part of fluid mechanics discipline? or which is the right department I should search for?

     I have looked through some grad schools, I found some similary key words, such as aeroelasticity,  micro aero vehicles, swimmers, environemantl fluid mechanics, not that close anyway.

Ernest Appiah's picture

In recentyears, millions of solar panels have been placed on roofs around the world. Discuss how safe are they? Discuss the hid

solar panels on rooftops are obviously a high risk activity. There are a number
of hazards such as working at heights which could lead to falls from heights or
falling objects. Also slippery roof surfaces, damaged roofs, electrical
discharge from uninstalled panels, electrical fitting and equipments are all
potential hazards. All these, when not properly controlled could lead to
undesired conquences.

An interesting note about the TIMES universities ranking

TIMES has a ranking for top 400 universities (+). This ranking has five factors to rank universities which are:
(1) Teaching: the learning environment-30% of overall score.
(2) International outlook: staff and students-7.5% of overall score.
(3) Industry income: innovation-2.5% of overall score.
(4) Research: volume, income and reputation-30% of overall score.

about the gradient of dislocation core

According to the eigenstrain theory of micromechanics, described in the book by Toshio Mura (micromechanics of defects in solid, 1982) from page 15-20.

He provided the formulas for the eigenstrain at the core of screw and edge dislocation, but I can not understand completely.  

Anybody can provide some reference articles about the gradient value du(i)/dx(j) at the core of screw and edge dislocations respectively?  





Damage Model for Steel in Abaqus

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I want to try abaqus progressive damage model to simulate steel failure in Abaqus. I read the manual, and found that progressive damage model would be sufficient for my purpose. As I am quite new to damage modeling, I do not know how to determine parameters for shear failure or ductile failure or jjohnson cook model. Also, I would like to use damage evolution as well. Could anyone suggest me some typical parameters for steel (both damage initiation and damage evolution).


Regarding Journals and the Review Process

I thought it might be useful to the iMechanica community to write something about the review process in scientific journals.  For full disclosure, I am one of the co-editors of the Elsevier journal Finite Elements in Analysis and Design.  Indeed, it is precisely that editorship which informs the content of this blog post.  

fracture mechanics

 i want some one to clarify fundamental definition ,inter relationship or difference between the following terminologies .

small strain

large strain

small scale yielding

large scale yielding 

dileepade's picture


sir, need help regarding modeling of pyro ejection load where full structure is in airborne..


please help ...


Requesting guidance

I will be very grateful if anybody please guide me about the job opportunities after PhD studies in cellular mechanics in Europe or Asia. My PhD topic is Comptational simulation of mechanical tests with isolated animal cells.

Mike Ciavarella's picture

retirement age or discrimination? Nature speaks of "sticking" around, but in europe we have new laws

In January 2011, the UK government announced its intention to stop
compulsory retirement for people aged 65, despite criticism of the move
by employers’ groups. Campaigners against age discrimination and unions
welcomed the change. However, official guidance makes it clear that
employers will be able to dimiss staff no longer capable of carrying out
their work. Official figures show more than two thirds of British
employers have already eliminated fixed retirement ages.

Lens cement failure

Hello all, I am having problem with one of our lens doublets getting decemented. we have been cementing this lens for many years and we did not do anything different. Recentely we start seeing this lens decementing. we use NO61 and NO65 (UV curing). Any help of how to prevent this problem from happening again will be very much appreciated.


Thank you,



Multiscale simulation

Nowadays, we are talking about multiscale simulation. I am surprising that we discussed about multiscale modeling while units are still exist. In my point of view, the multiscale only be achieved if units in general equations were treated.

rotating cylinder

i want to simulate a rotating cylinder containing fluid . and this whole cylinder is also rotating about an axis which is out side the cylinder..any one can help me out?

Jiangping Xu's picture

Reply--Abaqus quasi-static induced numerical damping

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The damping ratio, used in quasi-static problems, such as sheet forming, stamping, forging, is that role, b, shown in the following equation


For the problems mentioned above, the value of b is about 0.1.  if dynamic explicit method is employed, the simulation may encounters steady problem, while convergence problem for implicit method employed.  I think, you can search some articles on damping in sheet metal forming, then you will understand the effect of this damping ratio.

mechevikas's picture

Laser machining of composite materials..


can we do laser machining of composites materials like glass fiber etc.. from simple laser machine or we have to use special fiber laser for this..please through some light on this topic....

Alan R. S. Ponter's picture

Pleased to see

I'm pleased to see that over 600 of you have at least read some of my comments and I wouldn't be surprise if not all of you read through to the end.

Alan R. S. Ponter's picture

How do Italian Universities compare with British Universities, and the importance of Charles Dickens.

Mike Ciavarelli and I discussed the possibility of doing a comparison of Italian and British Universities. On reflection, I could not decide where to begin but wrote the attached. It is part personal experience, part history and part Charles Dickens who was born 200 years ago today. If you don't understand the connection, read on.


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