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software of interest to mechanicians


Hi,I'm new to ANSYS. i'm working on project of active vibration control using piezoelectric patches using ANSYS . 

But i'm finding it difficult in modeling of piezoelectric  actuators and the input data required for it(VOLTAGE AND MATRIX).

Can any1 help me?i will be thankful

abaqus help

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i m trying to do thermal analysis of rapid manufacturing process called LENS in abaqus(64-bit). Based on thermal results(thermal odb), i m doing a stress analysis. In order to complete a 90 step analysis along with DFLUX subroutine using quadritic (DC3D20) elements (approx 30000 elements), it takes nearly 30 hours(intel core i-7 processor and 6Gb of RAM) and more than 7 days to complete stress analysis. 13-14% of the CPU usage is observed duing stress analysis. is there any way to enhance the performance?? because its using only 13% of CPU though i have 7 processors. 

Coupled Temperature Displacement Analysis for layered Soild

I am trying to carry out coupled temperature displacement analysis for layered solid in ABAQUS 6.8 but it is not accepting coupled temperature displacement type element for layered solid (Composite). I would like to request for some suggestions/ way out to carry out the same in ABAQUS.


Thank you.


with regards


What we call Robust Design Optimization (IOSO RDO Application example)

Nowadays there are many technologies that people call Robust Design Optimization. Among them one can encounter for example such popular methods like six-sigma.

AISI 4150 or DIN 50CrMo4 Steel Flow Stress Curve Data for Machining Simulation

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Hi All,

I am into machining simulation of 50CrMo4 Steel in DEFORM 3D and I need the flow stress curve data for various temperature and various strain rates. I have searched in as many journals as possible, but in vain. It would be of immense help if some one could share the material model data with me.

Thanking you in advance

With Best Regards

Ashwin Devotta 

strain components in plasticity analyses using abaqus

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I have recently been obtaining strain components using abaqus when modelling metal plasticity problems (large deformation/strain, 3D model using C3D8R elements) and accepting the strain components as supplied in the output. A colleague has questioned the validity of such components (i.e. integrating strain rate to get strain) when the principal axes rotate, which is inevitable in the type of deformation I am modelling. I had assumed the co-rotational formulation in Abaqus would take care of this. Any comments would be welcome.

How is this possible in ABAQUS?

I am trying to run UHYPER in ABAQUS 6.9EF1. I have the following questions:

1) How can I get the nodes
ID associated
with element# NOEL in UHYPER subroutine?

2) How can I get the
coordinates of the displaced nodes associated with element# NOEL in UHYPER
subroutine in the middle of the simulation? I tried to use GETVRN but it seems it does not work in

Run ANSYS through MATLAB

Hello All,

Does anyone know if it is possible to run ANSYS as a solver through MATLAB ? I want to run optimization in MATLAB and change some variables whether they are geometry or material variables and run ANSYS through MATLAB to solve especially ANSYS CFX or Workbench where I can have multiphysics.

If this is possible, I would appreciate it if you can share the method of how to do so.

Thank you all


getting interfacial strain

 i have modelled a 3D  RC beam and strengthened it with FRP and used cohesive elment for modelling the adhesive .

so for finding theinterfacial  strain between concrete and FRP ,which strain must I opt for namely , E, NE, LE, PE

And  i want to know what theses stand for(E11, NE11, LE22) . I hav read it in manual but can I get more information on this 

Uniform deformation on a surface

Hi everyone,


I just started to use the Abaqus FE program and I would like to ask some help. I would like to determine the elastic properties of a composite material therefore I designed an representative element but I need to constraint the nodes of each surface to achieve uniform deformation at each nodes on the surface. I tried the multiple point constraints but I alvalys got an error message saying that:

tuhinsinha.25's picture

Determining multiple contact pairs in Abaqus explicit


I want to know that is there a novel way of defining several two dimensional contact pairs in Abaqus/Explicit. I know that abaqus has the capability of defining a general contact but it is restricted only to Abaqus standard and 3D Abaqus explicit problems. 

I have a 2D plane strain problem where I have to specify more than 1000 contact pairs in the assembly between similar instances of the same part. Is there a fortran subroutine that could be used to determine so many contact pairs?







I am doing project in Journal Bearing. I want to run Contact Analysis in ABAQUS to understand the Tribological properties. Could you please help me to learn the Contact Analysis in ABAQUS.

 Thanking you.



Basker. K 

razi's picture

FEMhub: Scientific computing for the rest of us

I came across a wonderful site a couple of weeks ago.

FEMhub is still at its beginning stage, but it can already do lots of interesting stuff. For someone like me who teaches numerical/computer methods in engineering at a developing country where computing is costly, tools like FEMhub are very much welcome.  

 More about FEMhub on my website. Try out the example worksheets and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. 

Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin's picture

On efficient finite element assembly in Matlab

As we all know, finite element matrices are sparse and many memory can be saved if their sparsity is exploited. Due to the latter, we are often provoked to declare the nxn stiffness matrix as a sparse one just before the element loop. Be careful of this method since the larger the matrix the slower the assembly operations. There is a better and more efficient way to code the assembly procedure in Matlab. I will show how to accomplish this.

how to active adaptive mesh option in ADINA System?

hello to every body ;)

  Iam hasani- gradute student

I'm new user in adina. i worked by ansys and abaqus for several projects.

in adina  when i choose control>solution process...>adaptive meshing> full the program return it to none!.

i tried to understand about the reason. but in fact i can not find the problem.

i think in program , there are some constraints that should be change before the full adaptive meshing.

please help to find the problem. thanks


Sprunger's picture

Download your Free Abaqus SE

Download your Free Abaqus SE at:

SIMULIA Academic programs would like to offer you a complimentary copy of our Abaqus SE (student edition). Now students can have their own personal finite element analysis tool to use on or away from campus. Abaqus Student edition is ideal for students using Abaqus as part of their coursework as well as for practicing engineers who wish to become more proficient with Abaqus.

IOSO coupled with NUMECA application examples in turbomachinery

Dear Colleagues,

IOSO optimization technology has been used in turbomachinery for more than 20 years and applied on real-life objects like aircraft and power engines. Let me offer you some more examples.


First example:

free autoCAD software compatible with Abaqus ?

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Dear all,

 I need a free autoCAD software to model the complex 3D geometry of human brain.  It is desirable that this software should generate output files readable to Abaqus/CAE for mesh generation.  I wonder whether these is such a software available.  An alternative way is to handle the geometrical modeling myself but I need to know the details of the file format used by Abaqus/CAE.  Does anyone have a clue?

Thank you very much!


DLOAD subroutine

Dear friends .

                   This is the first time i am using abaqus for analysis. I am doing a moving load analysis of a bridge .I have planned to apply a  distributed load and vary the profile using DLOAD . Do you think its a good idea ?. Can anybody send me an example file of DLOAD.

Thanks and Regards 


Simulate moving laser beam on a plate in ANSYS

Hi everyone!

I've been trying ansys for a few weeks but in vain. I'm trying to inject a heat source(laser) on a 2D rect plate. I'm not sure on the corrct way to add the boundary conditions. This is what I do:

1. assuming room temp so i added 298K to the bottom, left and right using define loads >add_temp>lines i inject a heat source say 1000K using define loads>add_temp_on nodes to a few surface center nodes (meaning the top surface still have undefine boundary conditions)  

salem's picture

Piezoelectric bimorph cantilever using ANSYS software

I'm using Ansys 12 for modeling and simulation. can you help me that, how I can enter data loads as boundary conditions for a piezoelectric cantilever beam?

thank you for your assistance. 

modeling cohesive element


 i am modelling a concrete beam with FRP bonded to beam with the adhesive. i hav tried to simulate adhesive using cohesive element Abaqus(from manual) for the past 2 months, but am getting missing  property definition for those elements.I am not sure the procedure I hav followed is correct, so please send me the procedure for modelling cohesive element and the contact between the adherent faces.

waiting for the  reply


Shuozhi Xu's picture

Software/codes for atomistic/continuum coupling multiscale materials modeling

There exist some software/codes for atomistic/continuum coupling multiscale materials modeling methods (in alphabetical order):

1. AtC, atomistic-to-continuum coupling, included in LAMMPS

2. BDM, bridging domain method, included in LibMultiScale


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