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ABAQUS: Thermal Analysis of Composite Columns


I'm working on thermal analysis of concrete filled steel tube columns.

I used all the guidance I could get  from the research papers, but I still didn't get the results I want.

In fact, all the job analysis I run ended up abrupted. 

I attached my abaqus work for your kind attention and perusal. 

Any suggestions and tips that might help me overcome my problem is more than welcome. Perhaps I could get some pointers whict part in my analysis is missing.

Thank you.

My work links:

how to convert cylindrical co-ordinate system to cartesian co-ordinate system

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                i have modelled a curved section with one end fully constrained and to other end applied pull load, i am getting result in cylindrical co-ordinate system can i see the results in cartesian co-ordinate system 

megaamin's picture

abaqus nod inactive

hi all

i have a problem about abaqus a want to rotate a sheet and form it with a roller it sod rotate about axial but wen i want to rotate it hade a problem about ignored BC that rotated the sheet. i define Bc for to nod in sheet center and velocity rotation to all of sheet . 

plz help me to solve this problem

Truncation of Displacement boundary conditions in Abaqus



Hi everyone,


I've wrote a script in python to create a model in Abaqus, run the simulations and retrieve the results I need.

I use the Abaqus python build (on PDE).


I experience a strange problem with the following command:


myModel.DisplacementBC(... ..., u1=0.123456789, u2=SET; ur3=...)


which gets translated in the input file like this:



myNodeset, 1, 1, 0.1234

myNodeset, 2, 2


mesbah.unm's picture


I have problem with linking the visual studio, fortran and ABAQUS. Is there anybody who can help me?

Local material orientation Abaqus

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Dear All,

My name is Ronald, student at Eindhoven University of Technology, master Structural Design and i have an import question about the FEM programme Abaqus, about orthotropic materials.

I defined an orthotropic or anisotropic material in Abaqus by using the option; engineering constants or orthotropic (all linear elastic).

Abaqus asks for the modulus of elasticity in direction 1, 2 and 3 and the shear modulus and poisson ratios.

So far so good.

Run ABAQUS subroutines written in Fortran

Dear colleagues,

 I am a beginner in using ABAQUS subroutines, and currently come into the problem of running ABAQUS subroutines written in Fortran.

I have installed ABAQUS 6.11-1, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and Intel Visual Fortran Studio XE 2011 on my computer. However, when I run the test codes, there are the following errors:

cbrinson's picture

Postdoc Position in Advanced Materials Lab, Northwestern University

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in Brinson’s Advanced Materials Lab involving collaborative work on finite element modeling of nanostructured polymer composites. The majority of the work will be split across two projects on the subject.  The first project involves 3D modeling of filled elastomers, with a focus on the viscoelastic properties. Non-linear viscoelastic modeling experience is a plus, but not required.

2012 SIMULIA Community Conference - May 15-17, 2012 - Providence RI, USA

May 15-17, 2012 - Providence RI, USA

Keynote speakers include Bernard Charles, President and CEO of Dassault Systemes, Jim O'Sullivan from Technip and Anthony Ferguson from 3M. They will be joined by an additional 85 user presenters.

If you have not registered yet, do so today. Join more than 450 of your peers from more than 130 unique organizations from around the world in one place - Providence, RI.

Abaqus/Standard computational time

Dear colleagues,


is there any technique to reduce a computational time in Abaqus/Standard like it can be done in Abaqus/Explicit using an increase of the loading rates and performing mass scaling???


Thank you in advance!


Best regards,



Modeling non-linear material

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Dear all

I would like to model two non-linear material as shown in the pictures in ABAQUS. But I can model it with its non-linearities. The model has been created with beam element. I used the classical elastic-plastic model using calibrations but because of elastic non-linearities the calculated plastic strain comes negative. please help me howI can model it


Vinicius Aguiar de Souza's picture

Two-Dimensional Analysis of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion using ABAQUS

I am trying to model ECAE in ABAQUS, but I have a problem regarding the boundary conditions.Does anybody have experience with this problem?

Abaqus- Nodal force and Reaction force

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What is the difference between the nodal force (NFORC) and Reaction force in abaqus. I applied some displacement in my model, when checking the Reaction and Nodal force at the same node, Nodal force is just half the reaction force. Then I did some experiment and applied some load on a node, after solution when i check the nodal force on the same node, it is half of the applied load. Why is it not  same as the load I applied? I am confused. Please help me.



Turning simulation in ABAQUS

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I have to perform thermomechanical analysis of turning process in ABAQUS as a part of my project.

Is there any documentation or tutorials available for it?

Kindly provide me with links if it is available.

Thanking in advance.

Anna G's picture

Young Modulus as a function of step

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Does anybody know how change part material during caluculations (between steps) in ABAQUS.

I need to modifie Young modulus of one part in my calculations after first phase of loading.

Thank You in advance 


Anna G's picture

Young Modulus as a function of step


Does anybody know how change part material during caluculations (between steps) in ABAQUS.

I need to modifie Young modulus of one part in my calculations after first phase of loading.

Thank You in advance 



About beam element in abaqus and ansys

I am interested in using beam element to do a nonlinear static analysis (may need to a dynamic analysis in the future), but have trouble to understand some of the key features of beam element in abaqus or ansys. My goal is to find a beam element (preferably general beam section) with a defined stress resultant yield surface (e.g., P-M-M yield surface). If possible, could also account warping degree of freedom.


How can I apply concentrated load on internal nodes?

Hello All

I have a problem in which I have to apply concentrated load on the internal nodes in specific directions.

Is it possible to apply concentrated load on internal nodes (nodes which are not on the boundary) in Abaqus, or any other FEM software?


Is it possible to for exampleuse static condensation method and define subdomains in the body and apply concentrated loads on theoundaries of an arbitrary domain? 


I would be thankful if you could help me. 



Abaqus Low cycle fatigue - Hysteresis Energy Criteria


I am trying to do Low cycle fatigue analysis in abaqus, and
according to the Documentation, for bulk material damage initiation and damage
evolution definition, I can use the criteria (and type for Damage evolution) as
"Hysteresis Energy". And have to define 4 material variables C1 to

But in the abaqus material library (in abaqus-CAE) i could find
all the other criteria but not the "Hysteresis energy". I also tried
to define it in the *.inp file but abaqus could not read it (apparently wasn't
writing it correctly).

Abaqus Low cycle fatigue - Hysteresis Energy Criteria



I am trying to do Low cycle fatigue analysis in abaqus, and
according to the Documentation, for bulk material damage initiation and damage
evolution definition, I can use the criteria (and type for Damage evolution) as
"Hysteresis Energy". And have to define 4 material variables C1 to

Abaqus - INP file number precision

Hi all!

I am working in a design optimization process MATLAB-ABAQUS and i need that abaqus writes the nodal coordinates in the inp file with at least 12 significant digits. If i change nodal output precision to full in the job manager i only get 9 digits.
I already changed numDigits in session.journalOptions.defaultFormat, session.journalOptions.fieldReportFormat and session.journalOptions.geometryFormat by submitting in the command line

How to update solution-dependat variable (SVARS) during iterations

Hello everyone,

 I am implementing a uel user subroutine in ABAQUS. This uel is for modeling contact in X-FEM framework. Thus, it's a nonlinear problem and I need to store some solution dependent variables during each iteration. I know I can store SDVs in SVARS. But this vector will update at the end of each step, and not during iterations. Anybody knows about this problem?

 I really appreciate if anybody can help me with this.



Meshing difficulty in viscoelastic constrained layer damping


I am simulating constrained layer damping with viscoelastic layer in Abaqus.

Used 3D continuum element - C3D20R for base an face sheet and and same with hybrid 

formulation C3D20RH for visco tape.

In FE mesh, I tied the nodes (through tie constraint) of base with that of visco tape and 

also the visco tape with that of face sheet. But in the deformed mode shape, I am finding 

the visco tape fully penetrated inside the casing (I guess as there is no contact, only tie 


ABAQUS Explicit - defining boundary conditions and imposed displacement on rigid bodies

Hello there,

 I am currently trying to model a cold-formed steel beam experiment, where load is applied through displacement control. I thought using ABAQUS/Explicit and perform a quasi-static analysis would be a good idea.

 However, I have found an error I have not yet been able to overcome, and the results are not as I expected.

Here's the warning message:

2012 SIMULIA Community Conference - International Gathering of Simulation Experts

2012 SIMULIA Community Conference
May 15-17, 2012 – Providence, Rhode Island
Join our international gathering of simulation experts

Early Bird Discount—save $100 off the SCC registration fee!
Advanced Seminars; 90+ Customer Presentations; Network with Peers; Engage with SIMULIA Managers; Discover Complementary Technologies


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