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Eran Bouchbinder's picture

A new postdoctoral position in the mechanics of glassy/amorphous materials

A new postdoctoral position in the mechanics of glassy/amorphous materials is
available at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
The project will focus on
strongly non-linear phenomena such as cavitation, shear-banding and fracture,
with applications to Bulk Metallic Glasses,
and will involve advanced

Vladislav Yastrebov's picture

Postdoctoral position in computational mechanics, at MINES ParisTech


A 1-1.5 year postdoctoral position on the subject "Modeling of contact in parallel computing" is open at Centre des Materiaux, MINES ParisTech.

Postdoctoral Positions at Univ. of Texas at Austin, Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering

Dr. Mukul Sharma, Professor in Dept. of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin is seeking to fill two Postdoctoral Positions.

Postdoctoral postion in Computational Crystal Plasticity at RPI

There is an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research position in the Advanced Computational Research Lab at RPI, Troy NY to work on Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods. Currently we are working on interesting advances in the areas of radiation damage and high strain rate loading conditions. Encouraged to apply are creative, self-motivated individuals with a sound baclkground in computational mechanics, CPFEM and materials science. RPI is home to the CCNI, one of the most powerful university-based supercomputational research facilities in the world.


azadpoor's picture

Postdoc position, modeling growth, differentiation and adaptation of biological tissues

I have a one-year vacant postdoc position. The work will be mostly related to development of FE models for modeling growth, differentiation, and adaptation of biological tissues. The postdoc needs to know a lot about nonlinear continuum mechanics and advanced material models and should be able to write FE codes and implement advanced material models in commercial FE programs.

Postdoc position: Microstructure simulations for a systematic mechanism-based development of thermo-shock resistant materials.

The Chair of Material and Process Simulation at the University of Bayreuth is inviting applicants for a post-doctoral position available within the project "Microstructure simulations for a systematic mechanism-based development of thermo-shock resistant materials with reduced carbon amount", which is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) for a period of eight months – with the prospect of prolongation for further two years.

Postdoc position: Graphite dispersion mechanisms in Fe-C-Si alloys

The Chair of Material and Process Simulation at the University of Bayreuth is inviting applicants for a post-doctoral position available within the project "Mechanisms of graphite dispersion in Fe-C-Si alloys", which is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) for a period of three years.

Postdoc in Characterisation of Steel

The Materials Research Division at Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark, is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral position in the field of defect characterisation in steel.
Job description
The position is part of a research project funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research aiming at increasing the fundamental knowledge of steel used in gears and bearings in wind turbines. The position involves the following tasks:

katia bertoldi's picture

Post-doctoral position in solid mechanics at Harvard

A postdoctoral position is available in the area of mechanics of solids and structures. The ideal candidate will have expertise in mechanics of materials, will be creative and willing to explore new ideas.

For additional information, please contact Katia Bertoldi at

To apply, please send a current CV, publication list, and contact information for at least 3 references to Katia Bertoldi at

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Post-­‐doctoral research fellowship: Molecular mechanics of bone

Top candidates are sought for a collaborative research project between Dr. Sandra Shefelbine (Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London) and Dr. Markus Buehler (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).  This project will use molecular modelling techniques and associated experimental methods to explore the collagen-apatite interface in bone. 

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoc position at MIT available immediately

We have several open postdoc positions, to be filled immediately.

The first project is focused on thermal management. The project involves the computational and theoretical analysis of graphene/graphite-metal nanocomposites and experimental work carried out by other team members. We are looking for a strong person with background in thermal and mechanical properties of materials, preferrably with background in molecular simulation.

Jung W. Hong's picture

Postdoctoral research associate position

We have an opening for a postdoctoral scholar in the area of computational mechanics. Specific problems of interest include the nonlocal plasticity, molecular dynamics and meshless methods for continuum damage mechanics. Rich experience of C++, X-windows image processing, and Fortran programming (especially parallel processing) is required. Contact: Professor Jung W. Hong at Michigan State University.  Email: jwh@egr dot msu dot edu.


Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mechanics

A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Duke Computational Mechanics Laboratory, beginning in September of 2010 (with flexibility on timing).  Funding for the fellowship concerns research in the simulation of dynamic fracture of polycarbonate.  The ideal candidate will have experience in some combination of the following areas (in no particular order of importance):

Postdoc position in Bioacoustics

Postdoc position is currently open in my group. The research revolves around bioacoustics of marine animals (mammals and fish). The goal is to understand the mechanics of sound production and hearing. Research directions include formulation of specialized finite element models for biological materials, mesh generation from biomedical images, and models for attenuation in tissues. Funding is available for at least one year. Contact:

PostDoc position, Karlsruhe (Germany): Mechanics of Granular Materials in Fusion Technology

A research position is now opening in the field of Computational Mechanics of granular materials, in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. This position should start between May and September 2010, and is a full-time fixed-term PostDoc position for 2 years (TVL E13).

jandrade's picture

Post-doctoral fellow position in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics @ Northwestern

We are currently seeking candidates for a Post-doctoral Fellow position in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Northwestern University. The successful candidate is expected to possess a Ph.D. in engineering or science and must have experience in the area of computational mechanics, broadly involving computational inelasticity, finite elements and continuum mechanics. Knowledge of discrete mechanics is desirable but not essential.

Prestigious 5 year Fellowship -- RAEng/EPSRC Research Fellowships

To all outstanding researchers with less than 3 years of post-doctoral experience, this is a unique opportunity to secure a 5 year post-doc.

This will be highly competitive, and applicants must be of world-class quality. 

Topics available in our group:

- multiscale (fracture) mechanics

- microstructurally-faithful modelling

- surgical simulation

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Postdoctoral Associate position available at MIT

A postdoctoral associate position at MIT is available immediately, in the broad area of atomistic, molecular and multi-scale modeling of hierarchical biological, bioinspired and nanostructured materials. Material properties of specific interest include mechanical properties, in particular deformation and failure mechanisms. The work will emphasize on mutable properties (mechanomutability, thermomutability) and the analysis and design of adaptive, responsive, and robust materials through the integration of scales, from nano to macro. 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position in Computational Nanomechanics at the University of Pittsburgh

A postdoctoral research fellow position is currently open in the Computational Nanomechanics group at the University of Pittsburgh for the following research projects in the multidisciplinary areas of computational nanomechanics, nanotechnology, renewable energy, and nanomedicine: 

  1. Hydrogen and bio-sensing nanowire fabrication
Jean-Michel Pereira's picture

Research Fellow Position in Offshore Geomechanics at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)

A post-doctoral position is available at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (Paris, France) in Offshore Geomechanics. The theme of this 1 year research fellow position is:

Mechanical behaviour of ocean sediments and offshore geohazards

More information is available at the web page of Navier research department of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.


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