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Rui Huang's picture

Postdoc position at UT Austin

Dr. Jan Fuhg has just joined UT Austin as an assistant professor. He has a postdoc position in computational solid mechanics and physics-informed machine learning. Please see attached file for details and contact Dr. Fuhg ( if you are interested.

xiangzhang's picture

Multiscale computational mechanics Postdoc position at the University of Wyoming

The Computations for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory (CAMML) in the College of Engineering and Physical Science at the University of Wyoming has an immediate opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher, in the area of multiscale reduced order modeling and design of heterogeneous materials under volumetric and interfacial damage. The project will build on our existing work in Refs. [1-3], and further advance it for modeling of lithium-ion battery system.

Post-doctoral position in mesoscale plasticity

The Materials Theory Group at the School of Materials Engineering of Purdue University has a post-doctoral opening in the area of Mesoscale Plasticity of Irradiated Crystalline Solids. The postdoc will use discrete and continuum dislocation dynamics to investigate the deformation and fracture of structural alloys for fusion applications. A background in continuum mechanics and crystal plasticity is required for this position. The ideal candidate is one who is strongly interested in the fundamental aspects of deformation and fracture of metals and alloys and related computational modeling, and must have excellent programming skills in Fortran and/or C++. For inquiry about this position, please send an email to Professor Anter El-Azab ( interested candidate may send a resume with list of publications, half a page statement of research interests, and the names of two or three references to the email above. The Materials Theory Group performs theoretical and computational research in the areas of mesoscale plasticity and dislocation dynamics, radiation effects in materials, microstructure evolution, thermal transport, and computational methods for materials science and mechanics.

The position is open now until filled.

Mahmood Jabareen's picture

Ph.D. position at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

The research is concerned with modeling of electroactive soft materials.

Preference will be given to candidates with background in nonlinear finite element methods and constitutive modeling.

If you are interested, please send an email to me at: with a single PDF file containing your CV, grades, names of two references, and a brief description of how your experience and background meet the requirements for this position.

Osama R. Bilal's picture

Multiple Pos-Doc, PhD and Master's positions (open immediately)

The lab of Wave Engineering for eXtreme and Intelligent matTEr (We-Xite) has multiple openings for Pos-Doc, Ph.D. and M.Sc. positions. We are looking for exceptional and highly motivated candidates with background in Engineering, Physics, Materials or Mathematics. The research will have a balance between experimental characterizations, numerical simulations, and analytical derivations. Interested applicant should send a brief (one paragraph) description of their research interests and their resumes (including educational background, test scores and experience). Please send your emails to with title including [iMechanica].

Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Scientific Computing

We are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic researcher to fill a Postdoctoral Researcher position in Quantum Scientific Computing at the Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering (FAMU-FSU COE) in Tallahassee, Florida. This exciting opportunity is directed towards highly motivated and enthusiastic researchers who are eager to contribute to cutting-edge projects in the realm of quantum computing and its applications in scientific problems.

diego.misseroni's picture

Call for Postdoctoral Position "Multiscale modeling of soft tissues mechanics" @ University of Genoa (Italy)

The Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of Genoa is offering a post-doc position within the 2-years reasearch project PRIN 2022 PNRR “A digital framework for the cutting of soft tissues: A first step towards virtual surgery” focused on multiscale modeling of the complete cutting process in human brain tissues.

alicia's picture

Two Postdoc Openings at UC San Diego

The M2DO lab at UC San Diego has two Post-Doctoral Researcher Openings to conduct research in developing topology optimization in collaboration with NASA, Boeing, Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories.


Lucy Zhang's picture

Postdoc position on computational mechanics available at RPI

My lab has a postdoc position open, start immediately. U.S. Citizen preferred. 

Please send your CV and a cover letter highlighting qualifications. 

thank you. 



o   Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or related fields

Postdoctoral and Ph.D. positions in computational design and multi-physics simulation

We invite applications for post-doctoral and Ph.D. positions in topology optimization, machine learning and data-driven computational design, multi-physics simulation including multi-phase flow, and uncertainty quatification. 

For additional information, please contact Prof. Xiaoping Qian ( To apply, email your application files (CV, 1-page summary of research accomplishments and research interests, and 3 references).

Xuanhe Zhao's picture

MIT Mechanical Engineering faculty search

The MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering (@MITMechE) seeks candidates for faculty positions starting July 1, 2024 or on a mutually agreed date thereafter. More Info + Apply: Questions:

Joshua's picture

Ph.D. position for September 2024

S-Lab at Shanghai Jiao Tong University is opening one Ph.D. position for “mechanical metamaterials.”  The applicants should have a master’s degree by August 2024.

Send an application package (Letter of Intent and CV) to before 12/6, 2023.


Amir Siddiq's picture

An exciting PhD opportunity on ‘Long-term degradation of buried subsea pipeline coatings’

An exciting PhD opportunity, fully funded for UK/International tuition fees along with a stipend, is available at the National Decommissioning Centre (NDC . This research project on ‘Long-term degradation of buried subsea pipeline coatings’ is funded by Chevron Corporation, NDC and the School of Engineering.


Please follow this link for more information or contact us directly:

Jiawei Yang's picture

Fully funded PhD/Postdoc positions in mechanics of soft materials and soft materials for health at Worcester Polytechnic Institute

The Jiawei Yang lab in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute has two fully funded PhD/Postdoc positions, starting in Fall 2024 or on a mutually agreed date. We aim to build an interdisciplinary research team, focusing on the Multiscale Engineering of Soft Material Systems, and developing high-performance, bio-integrated, and bio-interfacing soft material systems for health.

PhD/postdoc openings (University of Minnesota) on the multi-physics modeling and inverse characterization on reaction-driven cracking

Successful applicants will work on the mechanics and thermodynamics of porous solids undergoing reactive flow within the scope of the DOE-funded center on Geo-processes in Mineral Carbon Storage (GMCS, The mission of GMCS is to develop the fundamental science and engineering capability that will lead to realizing the full potential for large-scale subsurface storage of CO2 via mineralization.

Postdoc on elastic metamaterials at the University of Trento (Italy)

A Postdoc position is available at the Excellence Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the Università di Trento, Italy to work with the Coordinator prof. Nicola Pugno on a EU-funded H2020 FET Open project on elastic metamaterials entitled "BOHEME: Bioinspired Hierarchical Metamaterials" and its follow up.

George Moutsanidis's picture

PhD position in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Coastal FSI at Stony Brook University

A fully supported PhD position in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) for coastal fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is available in the Department of Civil Engineering at Stony Brook University. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Dr. George Moutsanidis focusing on the development of numerical methods for coastal FSI. The desired start date is Fall 2024.

Minimum Qualifications:

·       MS degree in Engineering, Applied Mathematics, or related field

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Postdoc position at the University of Oxford on modeling hydrogen-assisted fractures

Dear iMechanicians,

Let me bring to your attention the following postdoc position in my lab at the University of Oxford:

I am looking for an enthusiastic postdoc to conduct finite element simulations to predict hydrogen embrittlement. The closing date is November 29.

Prof Emilio Martinez-Paneda
University of Oxford

Join Our Team at Daedalus

We are hiring ! 

We're excited to announce an opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher with expertise in Mechanics or Optics. Whether your strength lies in experimental techniques or computational methods, we welcome your application.

Start Date: Immediate

Keywords: Mechanics, Optics, Machine Learning

More info:

Multiple Ph.D. Positions at Georgia Tech in Computational Design and Mechanical Metamaterials

Our lab Computational Design & Metamaterial Lab warmly invites applications from students with backgrounds in mechanics, aerospace engineering, computer science, materials, polymers, and related fields.

What are metamaterials?

Metamaterials are a class of structural materials with exotic properties, where their macroscopic physical characteristics arise from the precise geometric design of their microstructures.

jeonghoonsong's picture

Ph.D. Opening (Civil Eng./CU Boulder) in Innovative Structural Materials Design and Inverse characterization

We have an opening for Graduate Research Assistant (at Ph.D.-level) to conduct research in areas related to innovative structural materials design and inverse characterization, specifically:

- New structural materials for energy storage applications, and
- Inverse characterization of chemo-mechanical process with multi-sensing data.

Dibakar Datta's picture

Ph.D. Position at NJIT, New Jersey, USA in Computational Nanomechanics/Materials


The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ( at the New Jersey Institute of Technology ( has an opening for a fully funded Ph.D. position.  The position will start in Spring 2024/Fall 2024. Interested candidates should apply as soon as possible. 

Dibakar Datta's picture

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)


Position Summary: 
The Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant/Associate or Full Professor level in the areas of Artificial Intelligence/Data Science/Machine Learning as applied to Mechanical Engineering.


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