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mohsenzaeem's picture

Mechanism of nucleation in ferroelastic domain switching

I am happy to share our newest open access article which is just published in Scripta Materialia. For the first time, the mechanism of domain nucleation during ferroelastic domain switching is revealed by utilizing phase-field simulations.

Wen Luo's picture

PhD/MS Position at Auburn University

There is an immediate opening for a self-motivated PhD/MS student (Spring 2025) in the Aerospace Structures Reliability Laboratory at Auburn University, working with Dr. Wen Luo on modeling the stochastic nonlinear behaviors of aerospace structures and materials. Prospective students are welcome to contact Dr. Wen Luo at



Kmomeni's picture

Visiting Research Professor

The Manufacturing Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alabama is looking for a highly driven Visiting Research Professor to join the lab. Our group focuses on developing advanced surface engineering techniques, particularly laser-based methods, and conducting experiments to deepen our understanding of the microstructure-property-process relationship.


arash_yavari's picture

Controllable Deformations in Compressible Isotropic Implicit Elasticity

For a given material, \emph{controllable deformations} are those deformations that can be maintained in the absence of body forces and by applying only boundary tractions. For a given class of materials, \emph{universal deformations} are those deformations that are controllable for any material within the class.

Postdoctoral Researcher Position Available Immediately

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Louisville is seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to join our team. The successful candidate will focus on simulating the dynamic behavior of multiphase architected materials.

Key Responsibilities:

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Phase-field simulations opening new horizons in corrosion research

I find quite remarkable how the combination of electro-chemo-mechanics modelling and phase field approaches has enable to develop mechanistic models for the longstanding problem of corrosion. The following paper summarises recent developments in this emerging field:


Dongare's picture

Ph.D. Positions at the University of Connecticut

Two Ph.D. positions are available in Prof. Dongare's research group in the area of atomic-scale and mesoscale modeling of the deformation behavior of materials. The positions can be in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering or the School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Connecticut. 

Interested students should email their CV to Prof. Dongare at dongare(at)


25th International Conference on Wear of Materials

Register today for the 25th International Conference on Wear of Materials, Sitges, Spain | 13-17 April 2025 

The International Conference on Wear of Materials is a prestigious, long-established conference which provides a unique international forum for researchers and practicing engineers from different disciplines to interact and exchange their latest results. It is unique for its paper submission process with full peer review in collaboration with the Elsevier journal Wear to ensure the technical quality of presentations.

Lihua Jin's picture

Postdoc opening in cardiac biomechanics modeling at UCLA

We are seeking a highly motivated individual to join our research team in the field of cardiac biomechanics and heart failure with a position at the level of Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles.  They will be working with a multidisciplinary team mentored by Dr. Lihua Jin (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), Dr. Ashley Stein-Merlob (Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine) and Dr.

pragtic's picture

5 Zoom Meetings for those interested to join FABER Action

FABER networking project is funded for next four years by the COST Association. Its goal is to solve the current deadlock in validating the metal fatigue life evaluation methods and solvers by establishing benchmark sets of curated experimental fatigue data, with the focus set on the high-cycle fatigue category above all.


gaurp's picture

Postdoctoral Research in Impact and Ballistic Behaviour of Graphene Reinforced Nanocomposites

Dear I Mechanica Members,

I am Dr. Piyush Gaur, currently serving as an Assistant Professor at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India. With over nine years of interdisciplinary research experience in the realms of experimental and computational biomechanics, I am deeply involved in the study and development of advanced nanocomposite materials for aerospace and defense applications.

Reza Talemi's picture

Three fully-funded PhD positions @ KU Leuven, Belgium

We have three fully-funded PhD positions specializing in the fracture assessment of metallic materials at Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium. These positions offer an excellent opportunity for those interested in advancing their academic career in this cutting-edge field. If you are passionate about pursuing a PhD in this area, we encourage you to apply by submitting your CV and a detailed motivation letter to the email address provided below.

Ruobing Bai's picture

Submit your abstract to IMECE 2024: presentation only & poster deadline 7/16/2024

Dear Colleagues,


The deadline for presentation only & poster abstracts for ASME IMECE 2024 is 7/16/2024.


You are kindly reminded to please consider submitting abstracts to the two symposiums hosted by the Mechanics of Soft Materials Technical Committee this year: Mechanics of Soft Materials (Topic 12-29) and Advances in Soft Material Modeling (Topic 12-30). Abstracts can be submitted following this link:


Mike Ciavarella's picture

On productivity, big multicenter grants, and paper-mills: the pursuit of an academic career leads to scientific progress?.


We are in the time where big multi-centre projects with an ever-increasing number of scientists involved seem to multiply, and single scientist projects seem to die, apart from the happy island of ERC funding in Europe (probably NSF career funding in US?). I believe that with ERC funding and the direct call of ERC winners some European universities have taken a path of excellence to follow, while on multicentre big money projects they are less effective.

Joshua's picture

Thermal computing with mechanical transistors

We have developed a mechanical transistor that synergizes a Kirigami thermomechanical sensor and a bistable actuator, enabling in-memory computing for combinational and sequential logic.

Our mechanical computing device stands out by employing modular construction, symmetry breaking, nonlinear materials, crafting logic gates and memory units responding to environmental stimuli through thermal delay.

gunkelma's picture

First Announcement - International Workshop on Simulation Science, May 2025, Clausthal

Dear Colleague,

I am very pleased to announce the third interdisciplinary international conference about Simulation Science from 7th to 9th May 2025 in Clausthal (Germany).

Attached please find the Call for Papers.

The workshop considers the broad area of modeling, simulation and AI with a focus on simulation of materials, simulations of socio-technical systems and simulation and optimization in networks.

Confirmed plenary speakers are:

mohsenzaeem's picture

Ferroelastic switching in yttria stabilized zirconia: A molecular dynamics study

I am happy to share our newest open access article which is published in Computational Materials Science. For the first time, we were able to create the t’ phase of yttria stabilized zirconia from its cubic phase through the process of rapid quenching by utilizing molecular dynamics simulations. The simulation of quenching process followed the experimental procedure, and the results of virtual XRD and RDF were comparable to the actual experiments, verifying the created phases.

PhD opportunities - deadline

Applicants are once again sought for PhD positions at Griffith University, Gold Coast (Australia).

If you are interested in a PhD in fibre-reinforced composite materials, structural health monitoring or NDT,  please contact me ( with the following information:

* Brief CV/Resume

* List of publications (at least 2 engineering-related publications)

* Academic transcript from your Mechanical Engineering Honours degree / MSc degree (or degrees from a closely related field)

Joshua's picture

Call for abstracts - Mechanical Metamaterials (IMECE 2024)

We invite extended abstracts (400-650 words) for presenting your works on mechanical metamaterials (MM) at ASME IMECE 2024. The MM symposium is included in the Track 1 acoustics, vibration, and Phononics this year. The deadline for the submission is 7/17.


Track 1: Acoustics, Vibration, and Phononics

01-01: Mechanical Metamaterials

Lessons Learned from 14 years as an Editor-In-Chief (for Elsevier)

As some of you may know, I recently announced that I would be stepping down as the Editor-In-Chief (EIC) for the Elsevier journal titled Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (FINEL).  I had served in that capacity since 2010, so roughly 14 years, and the team at Elsevier indicated that it was time for someone new to take over the role.  Although I would have been more than happy to stay on, in time I did appreciate that it was probably better for the community to pass the reins on to someone else. 

Yaning Li's picture

Ph.D and Post-doc positions at Northeastern University

Ph.D and Postdoc positions are available in Mechanics, Biomimetics, and 3D Priting lab at Northeastern University, Boston. Candidates will background in mechanics, materials, finite element analysis are all welcome to apply. 

Applicants can send the CV directly to Prof. Yaning Li 


Full Professor in Structural Mechanics

The Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at Aarhus University, Denmark, invites applications for a position as Full Professor in Structural Mechanics. The position is available from 15 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The
position is permanent.

Expected start date and duration of employment
15 January 2025 or as soon as possible


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